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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/03/21 in all areas

  1. 1. Massachusetts 2. Orion 3. Joseph Carey Merrick 4. Baritone 5. 9 6. UB40 7. Belmopan 8. Cornwall 9. Urdu 10. Parrot 11. Australia 12. Gopher wood
    1 point
  2. 1. According to the Bee Gees where did all the lights go down? Massachusetts 2. In which constellation is Rigel the brightest star? 3. What was The Elephant Man’s real name ? 4. Which adult male singing voice is lower than tenor and higher than bass? Baritone 5. How many players are there in a baseball team? 9 6. Which pop group derived their name from an unemployment benefit form? UB40 7. What is the capital of Belize? 8. Prince Charles is Duke of which English county? Cornwall 9. What is the official language of Pakistan? Urdu 10. What type of bird is a budgerigar? Parrot 11. In 1930 which country did Amy Johnson fly to from England? Australia 12. Which type of wood did Noah use to build his Ark? Olive
    1 point
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