Tempus Fugit!![aam not clivvor ye knaa..a ownly knaa that cos an aad Bates Pit Marra started mekkin waal clocks [whey not the actual clock....ye knaa..cabinets and mantelpeece moontings...]..and he used ti pin a wee scroll decoration at the bottom of thi clock woodwork..and it had the words ...Tempus Fugit..on it..so a axed wat it ment ind he telt is!!
So noo a try ti soond edjicatid...!!!
Snaadrops n Crocisis aalriddy on thi way up..Spring comin' in aalriddy!
Luvly time of the year..warmer days aheed!
Cheers Folks..[aam back!!]
Seriously folks,it's been rough for the last three years,Cath has gone a lang way doonhill,healthwise,so aam not on often,just ti let ye aal knaa a haven't deserted!!