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  1. Britain is not alone with the problem of decreasing standards in state education. Here in Scandinavia educational standards have fallen to extremely low levels. I understand from friends and colleagues in Spain that a similar situation has arisen there. The problem, here, is that all Children are deemed to be equal and should therefore leave school eligible for University studies. A wonderful sentiment indeed. Hpwever, while I agree whole heartedly that all Children are equal, I have great difficulty in beleiving that all Children are able to leave school eligible for University studies - at least not within the same time span - and I have even greater difficulty in believing that all forms of employment require University studies. The needs of the individual are simply not being met by the present state system. I have encountered, prpfessionally, many Children, sent to me for extra lessons in core subjects (maths, Swedish, English and sociology), These Children have completed their basic, state education and have been accepted for 2-3 year Courses of further education leading to University studies or to a professional qualification enabling them to take a job as an electrician, a mechanic, a hairdresser or a chef or even sit in the check out at the local supermarket. They have been accepted for this education despite the fact that they have not yet successfully completed their basic education in one of - and sometimes ALL of - the four core subjects. The Powers that be seem to Believe that these Children, with the help of a few extra lessons during the first year of their advanced studies, should be able to.complete their basic education while persuing further educational Courses. The work load for these Children is abominable! I have seen Children who have a 50 hour working week with school work! Psychologically they feel terrible, they lack the ability to concentrate and have no motivation. They know themselves that they have bitten off more than they can chew. They are weighed down by the burden of studies which they know in their hearts they are not capable of completeing successfully. The saddest fact is, however, that many do complete them successfully. Somebody gives them a piece of paper which says they are eligible for University studies. How can this happen? It happens because the educational bar has been set so low that nobody can go beneath it. In the academic sphere the problem continues. The bar is lowered again to make way for all the eligibles, who would not make the grade if the bar was left at the correct height. Why? Because universities need Money for research and research Money is proportioned according to the number of graduates passing through the academic portals every year. Further education is of course voluntary but the pressure from society, to persue it is very strong indeed. No further education - no job. The whole system need a good overhaul. Why should a Young man with a burning ambition to be a mechanic need to be eligible for University in maths and English? He'll learn what he needs of both by doing the job because there he will be motivated and the Learning will be relevant to what he's doing. Why does a Young women manning the check out at the supermarket need to be eligible for University at all? There are far too many Young adults suffering through 2-3 year Courses of further education just because it's the done thing and what society expects of them.
    3 points
  2. QUICKIES Low Battery A man saved his girlfriend's phone number on his mobile as 'Low Battery'. Whenever she calls him, in his absence, his wife takes the phone and plugs it into the charger. Give that man a medal. Government Survey A government survey has shown that 91 percent of illegal immigrants come to Australia so that they can see their own doctor. I've just fitted strobe lights in the bedroom. It makes the missus look like she's moving during intercourse. Two Thai girls asked me if I'd like to go bed with them; they said it would be just like winning Lotto! I agreed, and they were right.. We all stripped off, and to my horror, we had six matching balls! Such an unfair world: When a man talks dirty to a woman it's considered sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $2.50/min (charges may vary). Valentine's Day Just booked a table for Valentine's Day for me and the wife. Bound to end in tears though; she's lousy at snooker. Got a new Jack Russell pup today. He's mainly black and brown with just a small white area. I've called him England. If you get an email telling you that you can catch swine flu from tins of ham then delete it. It's spam. They say that sex is the best form of exercise. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think 2 minutes and 15 seconds every 3 months is going to shift this beer belly.
    1 point
  3. can understand your points symptoms - class sizes have increased but that is acceptable but at the cost of actually meeting the needs of individuals within that grouping and the movement of teaching to meet the constraints of todays schools. its a no win situation in private schools re 'chucking out' as that would actually be contra-indicative of success ( I am assuming you mean financially ?) and they have an even bigger issue since they have to justify - but cant turn away fee paying pupils -- no win... achievement... we all can achieve -- we can achieve amazing things in our lives which makes us a spectacularly successful species --although that may be our downfall as the ultimate predator.- its about allowing and promoting the abilities of the individual and providing the environment that they can grow in. I did see recently that a labour proposal was to remove charitable status from such schools - interesting... and they would just absorb the children --where? oh of course into the very system that failed them in the first place (that is a personal view from actual and personal experience) I have seen some recent research that does emphasise that class size doesn't actually impact on intellectual development - but class streaming does. and I am a bit bemused by 'unfair tax arrangements' - how does that work?? I pay tax on my income as we all do - I pay VAT on fees -- in effect 20% tax - 20% vat -- ergo 40% tax .. if the child was in state school I wouldn't be paying fees and also no tax how does that work?? and perhaps can you explain what taxes state schools pay? to my mind as a citizen and a taxpayer I subsidise the state system and have no problems with that but also subscribe to a private system -again - I pay twice. and as for charitable status - they achieve this by bursaries and private/internal grants to ensure that children can go there at minimal cost (how strange that the county actually pays for some children to go to that school - and at full cost because they cant fulfil he requirements that they are legally obliged to) I notice you have made no0 comment about the other issues I mentioned - I look forward to your views on those
    1 point
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