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  1. Coach Road is shown in green in the bottom right hand corner of the attached 1897 ordinance plan. The Jonnie Johnson retirement home is shown in yellow
    2 points
  2. It's a brave man that ventures into Faragian territory and dares to even suggest that immigration is working against the interests of ordinary Brits. Double brave when it's a celeb, and triple brave when that celeb depends on the largesse of the Biased Broadcasting Corporation to keep him in the manner to which he has become accustomed. But, Noel Edmonds has done it; perhaps not with the Faragian certitude, and by way of question rather than assertion. He needn't have bothered with fine phrasing: the PC police have already descended on his thought processes, and he must be made to suffer! TV star Noel Edmonds sparks migration row: Am I alone in feeling Britain is FULL, he asks My two penneth is to say no Mr Edmonds you are not alone, and you KNOW you are not alone. Patient, long-suffering, ordinary Brits have had enough of the social engineering thrust on them by both our traitorous liberal elites, and international corporations working hand in glove. We'd like our country back - PLEASE!
    1 point
  3. I try to avoid my opinions on the basis that if the correct facts are there as a basis for a debate/argument then the rest is just personal preference, whether based on experience or how the strings of the heart are pulled. However in this case I have to say something. That something is - why would we discuss any comment by a man who had a TV show with Mr Blobby and then a show based on highly volatile empty boxes that result in people, already housed in this country, whooping; clapping; praising the lord etc. etc when the box lid is revealed. I suggest Mr Edmonds and all contestants; audiences and highly trained box lid openers swap places with immigrants wanting to live in England. ps. - underlining works Canny Lass.
    1 point
  4. With reference to your query about Coach Lane, although I don't know were it was, I remember my dad telling me when he used to deliver papers there when he was a young lad,
    1 point
  5. Bizarre in the extreme. I must say it's inventive to be stuck in a traffic jam and suddenly realise it is caused by immigration. I guess the extra 15milion cars (not to mention other vehicles) that have populated the same roads we were using in 1980 are all driven by immigrants. Or, perhaps the very modern trend for two car families - pretty much unheard of until the past couple of decades - is part of the problem. Mr Edmonds wasn't being brave: misguided, yes. Being stuck in traffic is not significant of the country being "full" and nor is it to do with immigration. Quite simply, there are more vehicles on the roads than ever before - everywhere in the world. The original post, with respect, clutches desperately at straws, takes 2 & 2 and makes 5, and many other cliches along the way.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Amen to that. It makes my blood boil having to pay the Biased Broadcasting Company a yearly ransom that's used to give platforms to celebs and luvies who don't know stork from butter. The BBC is so out of touch with reality they think Joe public actually cares what those morons have to whinge and moan about . Oh the trauma of having to drink warm Champagne .
    1 point
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