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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/04/24 in all areas

  1. Didn't one of those on the left used to be Wemyss (sp?), the wholesale confectioner, back in the mid 1950s? I can remember carting an unstable load of empty crisp tins there on my bogey as an infant. Yes, those packets of crisps with the little blue bag of salt used to come in oversized biscuit tins to keep them fresh. My motive was purely economic - to pocket the deposit on them. Mr Wemyss, however - god rest his soul - wasn't prepared to cough up the going rate, likely embossed on the tins, and all I got was a pittance (or maybe a few sweets) for my trouble. The sweets are long forgotten, but the bitterness lingers on - such is life! 🤣
    2 points
  2. Question for Councillor Sanderson: Have you ever been in a modern data centre? If you have, the one thing you'd have noticed is the distinct lack of human beings. Yes, a sprinkling of security staff and the odd cleaner, but thousands of jobs?!!! Though... maybe he means Chinese jobs building the gear, and remote administration, and supervisory jobs in the SE? Are they going to duct all the waste heat into local homes to provide free super-clean central heating, so providing a REAL benefit to the community? Now, THAT would be worth having, and any politico worth his/her salt should be pushing for such a scheme.
    1 point
  3. So if the move for the QTS Data Center is successfull then Cambois will have a cloud hangiing over it for many years to come
    1 point
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