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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. Michael Longridge refuses a knighthood.
  2. Longridge established the Barring "Henry" Colliery.
  3. Andy Millne

    Bells Place

    Bells Place was built at the east end of Bedlington.
  4. The Blyth & Bedlington Literary Supplement was produced at the Dene as a monthly edition.
  5. Andy Millne

    Chartism Ends

    Chartism ceased in Bedlington.
  6. Andy Millne

    17 Locomotives Built

    Seventeen locomotives were built at the locomotive factory at Bedlington.
  7. Daniel Gooch designs the North Star engine. This became the model for all broad gauge engine to follow.
  8. Andy Millne

    Auld Pit

    Bedlington "A" Colliery began sinking the shaft. Known as the "Auld Pit".
  9. Andy Millne

    Chartism Rallies

    Chartism had huge support and one of the biggest rallies ever seen in the UK was held on the Town Moor at Newcastle upon Tyne.
  10. A Locomotive Works opened on the Bebside bank of the river. The first loco built was called "Michael Longridge" and was the first of about 160-200 engines made here. Bedlington engines "De Snelheid"‚ "De Arend" and "Bayard" hauled the first trains in Holland and Italy respectively (1839). Bedlington locos were delivered to various railway companies around Britain and also to Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Italy and Persia (Iran).
  11. Bedlington rail was used in the construction of Russia's first railway line (between Tsarskoe Selo and Pavlovsk), opened by Tsar Nicholas I on 30th October 1837.
  12. The first meeting of the Bedlington Coal Company takes place at Durham.
  13. Andy Millne

    Demesne Farm

    Demesne Farm begins. Farming began by the Abbs family.
  14. Daniel Gooch at the age of 21, becomes the engineer for the Great Western Railway.
  15. Andy Millne


    Chartism begins in the Bedlington area.
  16. The boiler of the steam locomotive, John Bull, on display in the National Museum of American History, Washington DC was almost certainly manufactured at the Bedlington Ironworks in 1831.
  17. William Hare of "Burke & Hare" notoriety came to Bedlington in February. He was recognised and the people of Bedlington chased him out of Bedlington by throwing stones at him as he ran away.
  18. Bedlington rail was used to build the Stockton to Darlington line, the world's first commercial railway..
  19. Andy Millne

    Bedlington Terriers

    In 1825, a man named Joseph Ainsley in Bedlington bred two Rothburies and deemed the result a Bedlington Terrier. It has been described as a dog with the heart of a lion and the appearance of a lamb.
  20. Longridge, George & Robert Stephenson & Edward Pease formed locomotive works at Forth Street, Newcastle upon Tyne.
  21. Bedlington Iron Company receive huge contract for Birkinshaws malleable iron rails by George Stephenson.
  22. Andy Millne

    Petries's Mill

    Petries's Mill built at the top of the Bedlington Bank.
  23. George Stephenson proposes the use of Birkinshaws malleable rails for the Stockton to Darlington Railway.
  24. Longridge built a school for his workers children in the "Free Wood".
  25. Andy Millne


    The population in Bedlington was 1862.
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