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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. Yeah OK I see your point. I do think the grass is preferable to the whole thing being paved, whether it's astroturf or real wouldn't bother me either way. Needs a bit of greenery. Is there any hanging baskets on the lamposts now I can't remember? Some of those big planters wouldn't go amiss either.
  2. It's probably not likely to be used (maybe next decade) but the capability is there so I thought I might as well post on the off chance. We have an API in place if there are any local websites or organisations who are ahead of the curve as far as the Internet goes and want to use it. PM for more info. Methods exist for posting new topics, registering users, sending PMs and a lot more besides.
  3. Wasn't the actual Xmas special just the regular weekly Top Gear. December 27th at 7:45pm on BBC Two is the Xmas special.
  4. If it had been possible to keep to the original timescale then it would have been laid in Autumn. Grass is pretty resiliant stuff, I'm sure it'll be fine if it's not trampled on.
  5. Well tonights Top Gear said the Xmas special is South America. Last time I checked Vietnam wasn't in South America so i guess it's a new one after all and Radio Times got it wrong. Either that or it's more proof positive that posting on Bedders.co.uk gets things done
  6. The question was who is going to be not who do you want to be
  7. RATM got it. Nice and festive.
  8. Only got til tomorrow afternoon to vote.
  9. We could set up the Bedi@home project.
  10. not really, you can use regular consumer cameras. The only bit of additional equipment to a standard camera is a motorised head that can move in increments. About £200-400 for a retail product or ask 3g and he'll probably knock something up from bits lying around
  11. Surprisingly it doesn't actually take that much work and equipment to do it.
  12. http://www.360cities.net/prague-18-gigapixels
  13. Well it's 9-1 in favour so I'll re-enable it. Does somebody want to pick a chat time?
  14. Some answers may not be far away... http://www.bedlington.co.uk/2009/12/community-group-looks-to-reverse-closure-trend/
  15. There should be more than just flyers. The homepages should be set at B.co.uk by default.
  16. What?! the birthplace of modern railways and no train service? How did that happen?
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