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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. Might be a memory handling issue with FireFox. I've reduced the amount of "snow" on screen at any one time, see if that makes any difference.
  2. Is the whole browser freezing? excuse the pun, or just the snow? Certain things will cause the snow to stop in it's tracks in Firefox but it shouldn't crash the whole browser.
  3. Paper?!!? what the £"$34! is that? It's certainly possible and essentially what the editorial accounts allow them to do. They can publish a story and add attachments whenever they like. This will be much improved very shortly and there won't be a need to request an editorial account you can just submit as you would a forum post. The problem with sharing oldey fashioned posters for printing is the file formats. How many community groups are going to know that not everybody can read their publisher document or powerpoint presentations? Ultimately this would reflect badly on the site if a user on a slow connection spends some time downloading a file and then finds out they can't open it. There is a fairly standard format for this kind of thing which is PDF though so I suppose if they were educated to the nuances of the internet and we insisted on that format then I don't see why not. Did you have any particular groups in mind?
  4. http://www.radiotimes.com/blogs/483-news-doctor-who-heads-christmas-preview/ Only thing I would watch in that lot is the QI special and the Top Gear Vietnam Special. But I think even the Top Gear episode is the same one they had on at Christmas last year isn't it?
  5. You'll have to browse to another page then click enable.
  6. There's a snow control bar underneath the menu at the top. Talk about ridiculous site features
  7. OK the snow is back now with option to disable and wind control
  8. I would imagine the store staff will be the last to find out as usual, with one possible exception Tesco plans have been deferred til January.
  9. You might enjoy this weeks horizon then. Looking at how many people Earth can sustain.
  10. I wonder if they improve on the Media Center Extender experience. That's about all I use mine for at the minute. It does a great job as a PVR music sharing device etc.
  11. 3 if you count Monsta in his forum moderator role. We need to keep him on a short leash
  12. I'll do some more digging and keep you posted.
  13. Rumour has it that the law courts are set to close with court employees being asked whether they would prefer to travel to either the courts in Newcastle or Gateshead. If that is the case what is to happen to the building there? It hasn't even been there for ten years yet has it? Could this be our fabled Leisure Centre?
  14. Tesco were allegedly initially approached and asked to contribute £1k towards the events that are taking place in the market place to which they agreed but have since u-turned on. Interestingly, Asda in Ashington agreed to a £1.5k request for similar events taking place there. Is this the level of community support we are to expect from Tesco?
  15. The latest plans for the Red Lion show a restaurant upstairs set to be called "Europa".
  16. The community centre is up for sale and set to close in the very near future. It is currently being run on a temporary basis by Blyth Valley Leisure and has previously been subsidised to the tune of £78k per year. Does it have a future?
  17. This is how almost ALL Google products have been released. Invite only pre-release followed by a public release.
  18. I think it will but in various different forms. It's an open protocol so it will be refined. If Google's effort doesn't catch there will certainly be elements of it appearing in other apps.
  19. No it's err hard to explain. It's billed as the future of email and online collaboration. http://wave.google.com/help/wave/about.html
  20. I've got some Google Wave invites if anybody wants one? pm me your email if you do.
  21. Hi 250merc welcometo the forums. The delay was because the supplier couldn't get the stone out of the quarry quick enough and the barriers are still there because there are still a load of events happening over the Christmas period.
  22. Apparantly Meadowdale School has closed early for Christmas due to problems with their heating system. Bet the kids are pleased
  23. Yeah true but we don't so lets go and spin the sign round
  24. Driving into Bedlington this afternoon I noticed a sign at the Plessey junction trying to make me bypass Bedlington in favour of Morpeth and the Sanderson Arcade which I thought was a bit cheeky. Luckily I resisted and made it safely into Bedders uncorrupted. Then on a trip to Tesco's to get my evening meal I was drawn to the "local books" cardboard stand at the entrance. No Bedlington books but many of Morpeth. What's going on?
  25. A toggle button is easy enough but it would have to be re-toggled on every page load. making it stay permanantly in one state or another is more work so you'll have to give me a few days. Next you'll want wind speed and direction controls too
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