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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. Might be a few years too late but these have just recently been uploaded http://www.bedlington.co.uk/community/index.php?app=gallery&module=user&user=694&do=view_album&album=92
  2. Wow great work Blank, some real gems in there. What was the "Coronation Shelter"?
  3. It still is on the main page ok I'll add it to just the forum index. Will that make everybody happy?
  4. I haven't read this thread in it's entirety just wanted to quickly chip in with this and then I'll go back and read over. Is it not more efficient to use more advanced power generation techniques at source instead of in the car? Surely it's more efficient to transport electricity over the grid than it is to have huge tankers and ships moving fuels around the world?
  5. OK filesize limit was set at 1Mb so I've upped it to 4 until the hosting company starts complaining Max image display size is 1600x1200 but I think you should be able to upload larger and the image will automatically be resized down. Correct me if I'm wrong. Total diskspace limit is 50Mb per user but can be upped on request.
  6. Andy Millne

    Windows 7

    I've also been using Windows 7 since the first release candidate. The grouped taskbar icons take some getting used to though. I also have a weird indexing issue sometimes when viewing the new "My Computer" interface. Takes an age to show the available drives etc. Probably an RC bug though and not something that exists in the Final.
  7. Get a copy of vso image resizer. It's free and has right-click shell integration built in. I'll let you know the current max filesize and dimensions when I get back on the desktop.
  8. you can't. it's either on or off for everybody until I get a few spare minutes to add a toggle.
  9. I agree but there may be room for complimentary service industries surrounding these ideas. Take for example the "Sell it on That online auction site that is in no way as good as Free Bedlington.co.uk Classifieds" high street stores, perhaps one that doesn't have much long term potential but it shows the kind of imaginative things I'm on about. We do seem to have a shortage of decent restaurants.
  10. Of course not but I wouldn't dismiss the idea out of hand and give the person the brush off with a load of generic leaflets that do nothing to guide them, that has been my experience but perhaps this depends on the person giving the advice and others may have been more fortunate. That's the main point I was trying to make, it seems a lot of the advisors seem to be working from a pre-defined plan and it doesn't leave much room for more innovative business ideas.
  11. I'll disable it for the time being until I add a switch in.
  12. There's always opportunity to start something new. The world doesn't stand still and opportunities always present themselves it just needs imagination. Malcolm is more than likely right in his assumption that traditional passing trade retail is all but gone, that doesn't mean there isn't still a place for high street businesses. We're back to the conformity of thought argument again though. If you go into any of these business advisory services like Business Link help is usual only available if you can provide business plans, five year forecasts and case studies. Yes they have their place but this is exactly the kind of thing that discourages innovation. To get backing for an idea that strays away from the traditional hairdressers, beauty salons, wedding dress shops etc is extremely difficult especially for somebody with no previous business experience. How many great ideas are being dismissed by these groups I wonder.
  13. Andy Millne

    Tommy the Egg Man Xmas 2009

    December 3rd Christmas Light Switch On in Bedlington
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