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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. I agree the non-fiction section is appalling. The only books I've ever taken out are ones requested and ordered in especially. Oh and they wouldn't let me leave any Bedlington.co.uk flyers next to the computers. First time they agreed and said they'd put them out. Next time I went in and asked if they'd been put out I was told "it wasn't policy". So.. doesn't surprise me really. Another potentially useful resource improperly managed.
  2. West Bedlington Town Council meeting. Location - Salvation Army (Room One) Time - 6pm
  3. Our very own Shagpile has a gig there next weekend.
  4. Does the Ridge Farm still do hotel rooms? Theres the Snowy owl as well that's only 2-3miles away tops. Then there's the Holiday in and Moor Farm roundabout travel inn. which are about 4-5 each.
  5. Could I interest you in an @bedlington.co.uk email address? Only £5 per year Just kidding, free to qualifying members..... Soon.
  6. Andy Millne


    Yeah which is why I asked Merlin to elaborate on what he meant by wildlife shots. A compact may or may not be suitable for what he is trying to do.
  7. I'll be addings hints and tips on how to get the most from the site in this thread. Feel free to post your own. 1. View New Content Rather than going through every forum one by one simply click this link and you'll be presented with a list of all new topics and replies since your last visit.
  8. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8412035.stm
  9. pennylane - hmmm can't think of anything John W - Radio Ga GaSuperman - Teletubbies
  10. We'd have to give that one to Owen I think. Threegee - π
  11. Andy Millne


    An SLR is a single lens reflex camera it means that when you look through the viewfinder you are looking through the actual lens that will be used to capture the image via a mirror and prism. When you press the shutter release the mirror moves out of the way so light can reach the sensor. This is why the viewfinder goes dark when the image is being captured. with a compact you are usually viewing the image on an lcd which gets it's output from the sensor directly or a seperate viewfinder that is usually only used for framing. I think the reason you are being drawn to an slr is due to the fact that they are usually associated with interchangeable lenses not necessarily because of the SLR vs non SLR arguments. When you say wildlife what do you mean? do you mean fast moving animals that will be wary of you getting too close or more close-up macro stuff like you stated? If you're doing both then interchangeable lenses will definately be handy but the price can soon add up. What 3g says about having something you can carry around all day every day is good advice you will soon get fed up of lugging an SLR around everywhere. I keep my older IXUS which is a great point and shoot on me every time I leave the house and take the SLR whenever I know I'm going somewhere specifically to take photos. Also you will need to spend some time getting to know the controls on your SLR to make sure you don't miss a great photo opportunity. With a compact you will be limited on the zoom but even an SLR will usually just come with something like an 18-55mm zoom lens. with an entry level SLR you are usually getting a camera with a slightly smaller sensor than a pro model so an 18-55mm lens will be equivalent to about 30-90mm on a standard film camera which is less than most compacts. Some are sold with optional 18-200mm zoom lenses which will be much better for your wildlife shots and would give you an equivalent focal length of 30-320mm.
  12. OK wait and see how the news is handled once I've finished this round of improvements and we'll see if more needs to be done.
  13. Had a good chuckle watching Elf yesterday on Channel 4. Family Man is also quite a good festive movie.
  14. http://twitter.com/jermceldree
  15. law courts aren't closing it's just the enforcement team section that is moving to another location.
  16. Just received a very interesting email, can anybody shed any more light on it?
  17. If permission could be given to use the field at the top of the bank there as well you could have quite an event. No need for street closures or dealing with bus companies. It's just a short walk from there to the 20 acres too. Bedlington cheese rolling down the bank?
  18. Duties of a Local Authority Mayor Duties include:- Chairing meetings of the local Council.Promoting the local area to businesses who might want to invest their money there.Making the most of tourism if there is any in the area.Championing charitable causes including helping to organise relevant events.Attending important public functions such as Remembrance Sunday events.
  19. Forgive my ignorance on matters of local governance but don't we already have such a person?
  20. If the Summer Fair is to be reborn then I think we should arrange for a Bedlington Terrier show to form a part of it. It could be arranged in conjunction with the numerous Bedlington Terrier clubs nationally and if done properly and on a regular basis I'm sure it would attract some of the nuttier dog owners from overseas too.
  21. OK sorted in time for next Christmas promise
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