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Vic Patterson

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Posts posted by Vic Patterson

  1. We still have allotments here, they are about 7-8 miles out of Town though! I still plant in my back garden but only have a short growing season so its spuds, peas, turnips and carrots. (it will be a while yet before planting for this year)

    Maggie we also kept pigs and chickens in dad's allotment, neighbours used to keep their tettie peelins for us to collect, wasnt much fun muckin them out, dad kept the garden at home for the veggies, and a greenhouse! first thing after work he'd go down to the greenhouse with the salt pot. He'd then pull a radish or parsnip and out with his trusty pocket knife.

    I have some cine of Granda dibbling a hole and the bairns following popping in the spud and the next one cover it over. Watering and weeding were just part of your duties! (would that be cruel and unusual punishment today)

  2. We are having Provincial elections on Tuesday and have all the same kind of problems as you have, I am voting for the person I trust the most rather than a Party and it's promises. When did an elected party ever fulfil its election promises?

    During this last session we had at least twelve members cross the floor, one was their Party leader (and then didn't get the nomination for her riding seat in these elections!)so who were we voting for if they cross the floor?

  3. Thanks for posting those photos Brett and Foxy, (you must have caught some of our forum friends! ) great weather for the event, terrific turnout it looks like all ages were well represented. (ah telt wor lass it waas picnic day but she waas still sleapin, 5am!)

    Take 2000+ votes away and add to the next candidate is a 4000 swing! that is a good start.

    Wasn't that a sad game Pete? the arrogance of the owner is shameful.

  4. Brian, I was fortunate to visit the Australian War Memorial in Canberra and saw the sculpture of "The man with a donkey†on reading the story of what it was I about I found it was of Jack Simpson V.C. (and Murphy the Donkey). Jack was from South Shields.

    After that I noticed there were many Anzac memorials and how well kept and respected they were.

  5. Thank you 3G that clarifies it somewhat, I suppose the system has just evolved this way, I don't think it would fly if it was a "new†idea!

    I really like BBC produced shows but we never see anything U.K. political, thank goodness as ours and the U.S. is bad enough. I do have the BBC set as my home page as I like their World news, sport etc compared to the U.S. version!
  6. And now those "Indians" are some of our best friends and neighbours!  Bye the way anyone play Custer....

    Funny how time went at a different speed in those days! I think 1 day =one week, 1 week= 1 month!!!! one snooze and a nap and the day is almost gone!

    • Like 2
  7. Isn't that what happens when the "stars†start believing what they read about themselves!

    I watched the show last night it was sort of "local†Wolf mountain B.C. very good entertainment but very staged.

  8. Realistically Tony, how would you like to see Bedlington developed? considering its location and the global market, foreign markets and their cheap labour, and foreign countries controlling the energy market. What industry is not reliant on outside influences and is sustainable?


    In years gone by, If the Governments and Unions had the country at heart and worked together to manage our car, aircraft, technology and shipbuilding industries etc, we could still be a productive export country.


    Too many self serving greedy politicians and union leaders with their own agendas. (I have been a strong active union member all my life) Just my humble opinion.....

    • Like 1
  9. I saw the picture in the context you posted it Tony an old deserted town, (but with a car just waiting to be restored! )

    I think you need to look at the history of Bedlington and see how it evolved and changed due to needs of the town and area, it will always keep evolving, I think the best approach is where possible to be involved in the changes and help steer it in the right direction!

    I see Bedlington becoming a bedroom community, I'd divert the passing traffic and enjoy the peace and quiet, let the other towns have the headaches!

  10. I don't think they encouraged you to smoke more but more to smoke their brand, just the same as Green Shield Stamps etc, I remember saving animal pictures from Turf cigarettes, that didn't go down well as mom and dad preferred to smoke Wild Woodbines!

    Down by "The Rocks†in Sydney I was in a museum that had a small room dedicated to cigarettes cards, they were from sports like cricket, football to animals, cars trains etc many I recognised that my dad had in a collectors album (I wonder where that is now?)

    I think the movies sponsored by cigarette companies were the most guilty of encouraging smoking, Sgt Bilko etc

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