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Vic Patterson

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Everything posted by Vic Patterson

  1. My great grandfather worked underground 1861 when he was 9 years old at the Bella pit. his mom would carry him home.
  2. Well spoken Canny lass. A little bit off topic but still relevant, statistics fascinate me as I'm not very good at math. What is the population v voting population ? How many voted? What was the result and how did it compare with the total popular vote? (ridings make a big difference) Is there a site that has these statistics ? It has been shown that a good mathematician can get any results they want, a pet peeve is articles that show both numbers and percentage to distort facts to suit the writer. Polls? Is there such a thing as an "honest" poll? bit like a mathematician , it's in the questions...
  3. Does that make it wrong? The media has a problem with Trumpster because he mostly tells the truth, and they mostly don't these days. Yes in my opinion, can you quote anything he has ever said that is the truth? You must have missed his tantrums when he was dumped! Starmer is a Saint compared to Trump.
  4. That sounds like something Mr Trump would say.
  5. I hope they have a great flight, I'm in Edmonton for a few days, not so much smoke.
  6. Local for us. 😊 Banff, Lake Louise beautiful part of the Rockies, we pass through there often on our way to Calgary, although the highway 93 is closed through Jasper still. I hope the smoke is not spoiling their visit, so many fires again this year. Are they still travelling West? Another town north of here being evacuated, 1/3 of has Jasper burned, nice here today, but quite smokey, lets hope the wind changes later. "Rose Marie" "River of no Return" movies were made is these areas, Even an episode of "Heartbeat"! I hope Mr Bear shows up, lots around.
  7. I'm pleased to hear they are enjoying their holiday despite missing Jasper, I'm just north of Jasper and still getting their smoke, along with our own fires. They probably were going to travel the spectacular Jasper to Banff highway through the Columbia Ice-fields. We had a spell of 35c+ which added to the many already wildfires, still a few around my town, but most of the roads are open again so travelling is getting better which is good as we have the "Canadian Death Race" this weekend, it brings in over 1,000 world wide competitors, Google it and see our beautiful area. I think they will tell you of the size and distances between cities, 6 time zones and the diverse scenery. It takes some getting used too.
  8. Negative thinking, think positive, Fingers crossed !
  9. VOTE ALF ROBENS, Was always the cry when I was younger, Working class against upper class. I don't think that is how it is these days, but rather I don't like what we have now let's see what the other party can do. When did either party follow up with election promises? Why was the party in power 14 years ago voted out? Have they changed? Who can name an honest, caring politician from any party?
  10. I believe we are stuck with party politics for that lack of a better system, I don't support any particular party but tend to support the person I believe or trust (regardless of the party). I can't remember a party being voted in rather than a party being voted out! Changes from what we are getting to what we would like to have. I remember the days of a little black car with a tannoy on top bellowing "Vote Alf Robens, for the working people", My biggest party peeve is If you are for it then I'm against it, no matter how good it is.
  11. Reuters, BBC, Associated Press were all reliable and trusted news sources, even Blyth News Ashington post was good (especially to use as a bleezer!) Daily Mirror was just for the crossword. The Newcastle Journal/Evening Chronicle on line was alright but I gave up fighting all of the advertising. Can't beat Facebook for the real facts.....
  12. Hmm! And I use BBC to view British news (but with great caution, and understanding of their obvious bias.) Any recommendations for an additional but genuine less biased news outlet. ?
  13. Thank you Mal, I'll just take the bus then!
  14. Any updates? things must be taken shape.
  15. Miss Cambois 1960. 14.58. Got to love the "happy dancer" Zoom and freeze brings all the families back, slower simpler times, times were much harder then but you wouldn't think so looking at the faces, especially the kids. Most of these people have left us now but with the magic of cinematography we can enjoy their company again.
  16. Great watch, x2, Looking for my then fiancé, family and tons of relatives (they came from far and wide) at my first picnic. Just re read the intro and see it was 1960, one year before we met, everyone except me would be there!
  17. Welcome to Bedlington.UK Lee, What was your grandfather's name?
  18. I'm not too familiar with the building but are we all talking about the same place?
  19. Our Government (Canadian) is giving away millions to foreign companies to come and build facilities for making batteries, we have most of the "ingredients" to make them, but the environmentalists rather we get others mine it, using less friendly methods.
  20. Good reading, I would be six months old, and my late wife would be two months old. I'm surprised at the lack of news about the war, not the actual war but the effect it had, like rationing, coal rationing is about it. For sale items like proggy matts, (I remember helping make them) bantams etc, Five hens and a cockerel. The grateful person who's intention to go to prison was thankful to the Lady for the spirit the fine was paid!
  21. 1. In which decade did Coca-Cola start using Santa in their advertisements? 1920s 2. In the song Twelve Days of Christmas what is given on the 7th day? Seven Swans 3. How tall, plus or minus 25 feet, was the tallest cut Christmas tree? 221 feet. 4. How many Kings/wise-men does the bible say visited the baby Jesus? Three 5. What is the most popular meal for Christmas in Japan? KFC fried chicken. 6. In which European country might you receive gifts from a different ‘Yule Lad’ each night if you leave your shoes on the window-sill on each of the 13 days before Christmas? Iceland. 7. “Christmas won’t be Christmas without any presents” is the opening line in which classic British novel? “Little Woman” 8. Christmas won’t be Christmas in most Swedish households if the family don’t drop everything they are doing and gather around the TV at 2pm to watch who? Hmm 2pm? 3 pm it’s time for Donald Duck. 9. What does the acronym LED mean on ‘fairy lights’? Light Emitting Diode (I knew that one) 10. For almost 70 years, which British city has received a gift of a Christmas tree from the Norwegian city of Bergen to show gratitude for its friendship during WW2? The Toon. 11. What Christmas gift did Harry Potter receive from the Dursleys in ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’? 50p piece 12. Which famous scientist was born 25 December 1642? Isaac Newton. 13. Under which sign of the Zodiac was he born? Capricorn 14. In which ocean can you find Christmas island? Indian Ocean 15. Good King Wenceslas looked out on the feast of Stephen. On what date did he look out? December 26th 16. In 2020 Prime Minister Boris Johnson described Christmas as a season to be jolly and ….. what else? Be jolly careful, especially with elderly relatives.. 17. In the Christmas song ‘Away in a Manger’, the cattle are lowing. Does this mean that they are: a) lying down? b) chewing the cud? Or c) making a noise? C, Making a noise. 18. In the film ‘Home Alone’, where did Kevin’s family travel to for Christmas? Paris. 19. In the song ‘Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer’, what is the name of Rudolph’s dad? Rankin/Bass, Donner, or GoodTimes Blitzen! 20. Studies show that the average American gains 3 lbs in weight between December 24 and January 6. True or false? True. One more movie to watch "It's a wonderful life" Merry Christmas everyone.
  22. Congratulations, a very well deserved award, your work is greatly appreciated by so many. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
  23. Thank you Alan, Merry Christmas to you and yours, Merry Christmas to all members.
  24. I see there are several print shops nearby, might I suggest requesting a quote for a certificate explaining it's purpose, possibly getting break promoting their service on the certificate. For the work TFOWC did I would contribute towards the cost.
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