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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Well the days arrived and it spells doom for the boys in blue.
  2. Na deadens dont lay eggs and go quack, quack, mind ah dont mind a bit of duck with a few chips and gravey.
  3. Ah well it might fill up over Christmas
  4. Eee eck the heats certainly been turn up tonight
  5. Knackered fellow after a night with that
  6. Bliddy fox had me last duck on Friday night when I was up there, wife phoned me on Saturday to tell me. 75 pence and three pints of Guiness and thats me last offer.
  7. Its the season of goodwill Swalnalla, chill out man have a good time.
  8. 50 pence and a pint of Guiness, go on two pints of Guiness
  9. Leave it there Denzel al teck it off your hands
  10. Getting back to the point, when are you posting the next potograph Mr Darn? Looking forward to seeing it. Joe, as you get older the marbles start to go south My marbles when South years ago Mr Neck
  11. Here here CK right on, no need for it.
  12. Well its that time of year again so I would like to wish all members of this board, A Merry Christmas and a very Happy and Prosperous New Year
  13. I dont think they understand pitmatic geordie south of Bedlington Joe. especialy not in Leicester so Denzel will have to use the Queens English when he's on his travels.
  14. Well they look a bit pig headed to me Denzel
  15. Bring on that lot from Chelsea Obi will put them to bed man.
  16. Av lost the plot what are you all talking about.
  17. I droped in your pub on Saturday night about 8.30, Guiness was good but there was nobody in the place, band sounded good ended up in the Railway tavern good night mind. The name Market Tavern through me a bit did it not used to be the Howard arms? Friday night went to the Market Place club Guiness superb.
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