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Everything posted by threegee

  1. Excellent! I didn't think anybody would get that. Long before my time - of course! Here's an interesting factoid: His wife Mabel played the piano in the quizzes in later days, but when HAG started in 1946 the piano player was non other than the latterly famous Violet Carson, so maybe that harmonium in Coronation Street was there by request?
  2. The closing bars of Strangers in the Night. More oobie than scooby I think! Give 'im the money, Mabel!
  3. Does anyone detect a pattern here? Christmas chaos expected at UK airports as Virgin pilots take industrial action and 1,500 airport staff vote to strike Well of course you do, or you wouldn't be striking.
  4. There you go blaming someone else; a career in politics awaits!
  5. You're missing the point: the lady requested a purple waiting-approval notification! And... I don't agree with all this approval stuff anyway, it's starting to look like the BBC website.
  6. Ah, religious training! So that's why the subject is being hedged around!
  7. Hmmm... not sure what the semicircle thing with the radials symbolises. Do you do an officially recognised training course, and is there an online risk assessment?
  8. Very plausible, but there's an alternative theory: he only wants to shake Nigel's hand because traces of Trump "populism" will rub off. I think that's a sort of orangey colour; though... maybe Bob needs to restyle his hair too?
  9. Bob Geldof's Brexit U-turn Has he apologised to the fishermen he insulted and derided on the Thames though?
  10. More Christmas-past authenticity! British Airways cabin crew vote to strike in latest UK industrial action 'Tis the season to be striking - tra la la - tra la la - laa laa laaa!
  11. Be careful what you ask for! SNOW BOMB: Wall of SNOW to SMASH UK as deadly blizzards hit in COLDEST freeze for 53 YEARS Of course the likelihood is it's Jeremy Corby's brother Piers at his crystal ball again, so we can all relax - probably! If that's not enough to invoke the spirit of the Christmas' past then how about train and postal strikes to add to the authenticity?
  12. And I'm "qualified to know" about Sterling against the Euro! If Clinton had won you'd be significantly worse off now. BTW the first of the Italian banks has just gone bust, shareholders have been totally wiped out, and as part of the rescue bondholders are having to take a huge haircut. As most of those bondholders are average small savers sheltering their life savings (they won't take the risk of investing in the stock markets as they hate the thought of any loss of capital) it's a crushing blow, and bondholders in other banks are now going to panic. (More) Civil unrest is likely. The equivalence here in the UK is building society deposits being raided! Unfortunately - amongst his other major blunders - Dodgy Dave tied us in to the the EFSM, so we will be tapped as Eurozone finances inevitably get worse. It's entirely conceivable that with the Greek nonsense blowing up again too Sterling will be worth more than pre-Brexit value very soon. Maybe some of the rise in the value of Sterling will be moderated by Dave's blunder, and we won't have to pay out too much in support - we must hope! May needs to detach us from the EZ a lot faster than she's now doing!
  13. Quickly skipping over all the other good news (like saving our Steel Industry with a mega investment by Tata): Record UK exports drive huge narrowing in trade deficit He's probably right not to put too much weight on the value of Sterling because it has been steadily creeping up lately, and what is really important is getting away from the dependency mindset that is part and parcel of the EU political project. We will succeed because we are British, and that's what Brits do when faced with real challenge. If that sounds a bit jingoistic then tough! We are not unrolling a thousand years of history to suit the prejudices of those rats who are now willing their own country to fail!
  14. The EU is now entering self-destruct phase. We triggered this, though it would have happened at some point anyway. I'm genuinely sorry for those who are still clinging to this sinking ship. Circumstances have taken over and the UK's position is now largely irrelevant to the EU's demise. I've stopped arguing with the very few religious holdouts I know, as they become increasingly desperate and irrational. Mad as a hatter Tim Farron strikes me as the epitome of this! Merkel is about to get knifed by her own party/coalition; Italy is in for a painful exit from the EZ - the civil unrest has already started, and of course another season another Greek financial crisis; France is even more EUsceptic than the UK now... It's just a matter of the order the dominoes fall in, and exactly when. I'm keeping my pension payments well away from European banks, and have alerted others to the now distinct possibility of a cash grab at theirs! Of course the EU elites are never going to admit that their political project has failed, but what will finally emerge won't be anything like what they were planning. Seems like the UK will be prime candidate for scapegoat: because we really didn't BELIEVE!
  15. Doubtless he'll be grateful, as with all the business he's losing, he's going to be struggling maintaining that "refugee" camp on his private island. BTW are you supporting Tony in his scheming to frustrate and undo a democratic decision?
  16. A campaign now building to boycott all things Virgin over Branson's funding of the campaign to overturn the Brexit vote. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/736027/richard-branson-brexit-boycott-virgin Blair is the ringleader of this, and that alone has many tempers flaring. Someone posted a list of Branson enterprises to boycott: V Festival Virgin Active Virgin America Virgin Atlantic lVirgin Australia Holdings Virgin Books Virgin Care Virgin Connect Virgin Experience Days Virgin Galactic Virgin Green Fund Virgin Health Bank Virgin Health Miles Virgin Holidays Virgin Hotels Virgin Limited Edition Virgin Megastores Virgin Mobile Virgin Money Virgin Oceanic Virgin Racing Virgin Radio Virgin Rail Group Virgin Sports Virgin Trains East Coast Virgin Unite Virgin Vacations Virgin Voucher Virgin Voyages
  17. Small modular reactors are nuclear energy’s future Something the EU should have been promoting instead of all the vanity projects it has been sinking countless billions in to, and duplicating other work. Something we can lead in if the government gets off its butt.
  18. Well, you know the official line: wind power now contributes a significant amount to or energy budget, and so represents a major improvement to all our "carbon footprints". After all countless billions spent and all those wind turbines littered everywhere around and over our island how could it be otherwise? In the USA these claims are part of the Obama legacy that he's now trying to sell to the history books. But, he grudging admits that it's “less than 14 percent”. If only these sort of figures were true! https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2016/11/14/obamas-much-ado-about-nothing/ From today's Telegraph: No one is mentioning Ed Windmilliband's role in the fiasco, but it's another of the virtue signalling left's hair-brained ideas that have visibly changed our country for the worst, and piled on huge levels of debt in the process. That debt must be repaid at some point (a situation that will be made much worse as interest levels increase, as now looks likely). How much extra energy will need to be expended to achieve the levels of industrialisation that will be needed for future generations to even service that debt? This is the question to ask those "greens" who believe in infinite free lunch and techno-miracles.
  19. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/17/three-mobile-cyber-hack--six-million-customers-private-data-at-r/ It's sensible to treat ANY customer communications purporting to be from Three with suspicion.
  20. threegee


    Why was it unthinkable? There was always going to be a push-back against the fools and the exploiters of fools! Britain's friends in the USA are not the virtue signallers in the USA - we've got plenty of morons like that over here already. Has the current state of your own adopted country not taught you anything? Even the Guardianistas at the BBC are now recoiling at what has been perpetrated on the Swedish people by "social engineers" of the ilk of Tony Blair. Here's a picture of what friends look like: They are not on the take from us; not intent on social engineering, want to rebuild old alliances, and share the same values and liberty of thought with us. What is more, they don't want to takeover any one else's country; act as apologists for people who do, or signal what very superior beings they are. They just want to get on and do what rational humans have always done: make the lives of their families and friends better, then that of their region and county better, then on and beyond. They have traditional allegiances, because that is what has always worked best for EVERYBODY. They are the builders and not the destroyers! The world has had enough of people like your friend, and it's time for a return to sanity. All the pejoratives they target at people who refuse to be brow beaten by them and adopt their narrow mindset no longer have resonance. The reality is that THEY are the ones full of hate, and it's a hate against the very things which created them and their fellow countrymen. When they can sort out their own prejudices they may have some latitude to lecture others. The wet behind the ears kids on the streets have an excuse for their foolishness and naivety, but the so called "educated" who don't provide them with broader and more mature insights into life have a lot to answer for. Thankfully most of those kids will grow up, but many of their educators never did. Is this foolish friend of yours an "educator"?
  21. threegee


    The 125,000 copies printed represents proof of a conspiracy? Apparently an idiotic screw up, but additional confirmation of irredeemable establishment group-think nevertheless. The people who hate "uncertainty", but fail to recognise that uncertainty is the very essence of the real world.
  22. threegee


    Italy could be the next country to take revenge on careerer politicos (of which the EU is the utter embodiment). The referendum on 4th December is about obscure constitutional changes, but it is being regarded as a vote on the EUphile Prime Minister and imposed EU placeman Mario Renzi. He's desperately back-pedalling on his Brussels affiliations in order to appear to be his own man, but few people are buying this. His principal achievement so far is to get the right wing Northern League and the left-of-center Five Star movement (which supports and votes with Ukip in the EU parliament) to unite against him! Five Star still seem to cling to a belief that the EU could be reformed, but they do want out of the Eurozone double quick, and if they get control will get the support of Italy's right wing parties to scrap the Euro. This would be a huge blow for Juncker and Merkel, and a major step towards the EU exit door. The resulting recovery of the Italian economy would set an example for Spain, Portugal, Greece, etc. to follow, and start an irreversible stampede. Without them all keeping the Euro undervalued Germany will be tipped into recession, and the AfD there is sure to add to its recent gains. This, and several other factors, means that the outlook for the EU is bleak in the extreme, and before too long there may not be any EU for crazy religious types like Tim Farron to cling to!
  23. threegee


    Yes, but the real question must be has Peter the postman been tampering with the postal vote?
  24. threegee


    Is Nigel packing his bag for his new job yet?
  25. "Keep off the grass" signs then? If not I still have two legs; but maybe these days you can't do anything anywhere without ramps for electric thingies? My first encounter with the Trott would have been punctuated with dogging the top-of-town traffic, and - if I remember rightly - it was plumbed in to the water supply for some unfathomable reason. A "grassy knoll" would have been a stonking safety feature in those non-H&S days! I meant sidelined as far a presentation to through traffic and visitors of course! Bedlingtonians ALWAYS knew who it was and why it was, but these days it probably needs a Bluetooth beacon so they don't have to look up from their screens?
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