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Everything posted by threegee

  1. No chance Spuggy, I'm a mongrel with a Scottish surname. Thing is my great great grandparents had the good sense to take the sage advice of the incomparable Dr Samuel Johnson. Though I think that when the good doctor said "the high road that leads him to England" it wasn't actually Sheepwash Bridge he had in mind. Queen? Royals? Hush, or you'll have Sym around touting his people's republic again; then we'll all get sent to The Tower for high treason! But.. as you've pointed out that (apart from a few minor misunderstandings and silly walks) Germans are "DECENT", maybe she'll let you off with one of her frowns?
  2. Not personally directed and in good humour, but way over the top on the contained bad language for a safe family site Spuggy. Try a bit of self censorship in the re-post. .doc file uploads are permitted as a matter of convenience to members, but are never a really good idea as people (very rightly) worry about a virus payload.
  3. You really don't live in the real world do you Merc! Our pension funds are way up since last month, and the pound is now recovering too. Not too far I hope, for the sake of the UK economy. If you don't want to believe me then believe The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/business/live/2016/jul/11/george-osborne-us-britain-brexit-stock-markets-sterling-business-live I'm really happy that you get more in wages; so be happy too, and stop sounding like that eternally miserable robot from Red Dwarf. I've news for you - THERE ARE NO FINANCIAL EXPERTS! But I've consistently done better than average on the markets over the last forty years or so by investing when others are pessimistic, and creaming a bit of profit off when they are over optimistic. Sorry if you don't like that, or if you think it sounds like a boast (it's not really, it's only a bit of applied common sense), but I'm not going to lie about it to make you feel better in your anti-reality cocoon. There is a huge debt burden worldwide and competitive money-printing, but it's worse in the EU where a lot of the inefficiency is concealed. We are better off out, and that's what five former chancellors have been telling you - if only you'd listen to them!
  4. You can forget everything that Siemens said, and the pressure on its staff to vote remain. Everything will be all right post-Brexit. Siemens boss Joe Kaeser vows to invest in UK in Brexit U-turn
  5. I'm positive Larry is a closet Kipper-lover, so cat-allergic May had better watch out!
  6. You've even failed to comprehend what I mean by that, and interpreted that too in your "narrow" way. It still is obvious, but I've explained that I failed to foresee the evil hand off Rupert Murdoch. In my world people are allowed to be wrong on occasions or on details, and this doesn't automatically negate the breadth of what they say, particularly if they fess up to their mistake and provide a credible analysis of it. Your world seems to be that of absolutes, and that doesn't map at all well to reality. I hope you can now understand at least some of what I meant. This leads neatly into your final paragraph: you "can't imagine" because anyone who even talks about "the immigration issue" ... "will automatically be labelled a racist". Well I'm afraid the genie is out of the bottle, and you and your left-wing chummies can no longer shut down debate in that manner. Other people have a right to be heard, and if this reveals the absurdity of your position, then tough! The cruel fact is that a lot of your extremist leftie ideas can only exist in a vacuum, and no one is more aware of that than the extreme left. When leftie extremists throw a brick through Angela Eagle's office window they are of the very same "will automatically be labelled a racist" mindset. A lot of this is to do with immaturity; but you are an adult, so what's your excuse?
  7. I've no idea who wrote this, but I plucked it from an email in my mailbox.
  8. Can't be my pseudonym: I spend at least 15 seconds on Google. Obviously includes the Swedish SDP there!
  9. I think that epitomises the differences in our thinking. You focus on the minutiae and have a biological need to be logically correct all the time, and I see the bigger picture. Do you have Germanic ancestry? They are absolute masters of detail, but are alarmingly easily led... so, get all the big decisions terribly wrong! (Hello, Mrs Merkel!) A side-splitting and masterful parody on this was in that brilliant film http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059797/ Of course this was made long before the EU, but should be compulsory viewing for EUphiles everywhere - though you might need to be a pilot to appreciate some of the subtler humour. Maybe it's no longer fully PC, but I'd say it actually celebrates the cultural differences. BTW it's "referring"! (Though I have to admit that it was the spelling checker that spotted the mistake.)
  10. I don't write for the DE - honest I don't! PURPLE SURGE: Furious Tory members defect to UKIP in protest at Theresa May's victory
  11. You are not wrong, but there's no riddle either: re-read post #6 on this thread.
  12. I scan them for keywords like threegee, objective and subjective.
  13. No "Oh dear!" about it; more like Oh bloody brilliant! I'm utterly delighted that I didn't foresee that the Murdoch press could so very easily steal democracy from ordinary Tory Party members. They are seething mad about this in the constituency parties. There's not a shadow of doubt that Andrea would have been elected by ordinary members, and would have been tough to oppose. This is worth a million and a half more votes to Ukip - the only truly democratic party we have. Add in the huge number of voters that an entirely dysfunctional Labour Party is now bleeding, and four million votes was just an opening shot in the real class war. British politics are about to move into the 21st century even earlier than I reckoned.
  14. The worst nightmare for both Labour Parties! (Though the Corbynistas won't mind as much, as they really don't want nasty power; it means they have to come off their cloud.) Imagine someone who sticks up for British values that there's no way they can rationally label as a racist. And, if that someone comes from a working class staunchly Labour-voting home and can't be labelled as a toff - Oh how they loved to label Nigel as a fat banker!. Then, if that someone has the clarity of thought and analytical mind of a barrister, and the experience of a real jobs in both the city and the law, it's a triple whammy for woolly-minded liberal lefties everywhere!
  15. Yeah, fruitcakes and swivel-eyed loons. They'll never have any impact on UK politics, let alone achieve their objective of the UK quitting the EU against a completely united establishment. Oh, look! Here comes Steven!
  16. I don't think you've thought this one through! It's done and dusted. Coronation time!
  17. My honourable friend is absolutely right. I unreservedly withdraw my uncalled for remarks,.and seek the forgiveness of the house.
  18. Yes! And a great day for Ukip! The establishment has spiked her bid (and principally the Murdoch press). You aren't going to like this!
  19. OK I will try and use little words for you - the thing is I don't believe in talking down to people, and the fact that they might miss a few of the subtleties is immaterial in the general scheme of things. I don't set out to insult the intelligence of others, but the Remainians seem to make a religion of this. It's pretty pointless picking out individual paragraphs of what I've written if the standard counter you have is Sheesh, sheesh. Try re-reading what I wrote objectively, and without your sense of moral outrage. I voted for the EEC. I'm ashamed of that, but I had an excuse for believing lying politicians. My principal excuse is that I was wet behind the ears at the time. What's your excuse for falling hook line and sinker for all the EU is our future bilge? You do your best for future generations, and that's what both I and my daughter did. You use your life experience, which is something they will only acquire through time. No one much under twenty has the life experience which enables then to make a balanced judgment on how the country should be run. We are too impressionable at that age and have little perspective. Lowering the voting age is a crude politico's tactic. They use the excuse of widening the franchise and furthering democracy, but in fact they are $^%^ scared of democracy (c.f. the Liberal "Democrats"). If the EU could get away with it we'd see a directive that the universal voting age must be fifteen. Every time I discuss this with a EUphile they preface anything they say with the excuse about how they know that the EU is broken, but they have considered thing and that it's better that we fix it from the inside. This would be fine if anyone inside wanted to fix things, but from the perspective of the vast majority of Euro politicos everything is just hunky dory. As long as the cracks can be papered over, and the debt mountain can still be added to, and unaudited accounts can be ignored, and the unjustified salaries and expenses keep on flowing, there's nothing at all to fix! Anyone who has had a glimpse of the inside of the EU monster knows this its true; so why the pretence? The EU can't even tackle a simple straightforward reform like the Brussels-Strasbourg charade - and these people profess that they have the solutions for all Europe's problems. Well, I'm tempted to answer Sheesh... I haven't stopped "beating my wife yet" because I never started beating my wife. Nigel is one of the bravest guys around. No one has "shafted" anyone, though fools have been rescued from their own folly by the ever-stumbling democratic process. The UK will prosper. If Scotland is dumb enough to separate rUK will prosper even more. There is nothing to get animated about because the future is just fine, and democracy has received a long overdue shot in the arm. Above all our children and grandchildren now have the opportunity to use the very same democratic process - something which we'd surely have robbed them of if we'd voted to "Remain".
  20. Are you talking about the private pensions that have just surged in value following the post-Brexit vote UK stock market boom? (Whilst other European markets have fallen). Those living in the continental EU have been here before on the value of the pound to the Euro under Global Gordon. The "weak holders" sold up and left years ago. It's just a matter of time before there's a return to the pre-Euro local currency devaluations that ex-pats in previous generations came to thrive on. No ex-pat in their right mind keeps anything but immediate living expenses in a Eurozone bank (a bit like the locals really ).
  21. No such thing! My daughter, for one, was concerned for the future of the grandchildren and voted accordingly. This pretty much goes for all Leavers I've discussed this with. They are - to a person - very rational people. The sheer arrogance of the Park Lane type "remanians" - that only they voted for all the right reasons - is breath-taking. Ordinary people might not be able to express their hopes and fears as eloquently as the Guardianista mob (and they are a mob), but that in no way indicates that their hopes and fears are any less moral, or less grounded in reality. By contrast, many of the Europhiles I've talked to display a sort of religiosity about all things EU (which they deliberately conflate with Europe), and are incapable of taking part in a rational discussion. They simply don't want to know about the overwhelming negatives, or hear about what it really means for people in southern Europe. There is clearly something lacking in their lives that they feel a need to belong to such a dysfunctional and outdated concept. The diminishing number of EUphiles will shortly be likened to the people who, even today, long for the return of the former Soviet Union.
  22. You really should join the Cameronite Tory Party, as more often than not you are singing the same tune these days. (Yeah, and apparently twenty of the scum are going to resign if Andrea becomes leader - I wish!) It's not the tune of constituency parties though, but that of aspiring internationalist elitists who also don't actually believe in democracy, and of course the tune of Rupert Murdoch, who is now orchestrating the smear campaign on their behalf. But, yes, I know: it's the only available route to the NWO, and (like Stalinism) we'll iron out the inconsistencies along the way. - you'll see! Curious that the same people who fell hook line and sinker for Stalinism also fall for the international capitalism by proxy mantra: any country but your own; any race but your own, and any religion but that of your own country! Have you coughed up your £3 to vote for Jeremy yet? As many times as you can afford, please!
  23. I will tell you exactly how they are feeling: they are ecstatic they have their country back and are planning ex-pat liberation day parties in the sun. They are still proudly displaying Leave.eu stickers on their cars (photos on request). They are cheering on the locals to be as bold as the UK, and end the misery, unemployment, and zero growth that has persisted since the adoption of the Euro. They didn't buy Cameron and Cleggie's lies and are amazed there are idiots back home who did. Brits have always lived in the Med and their retirement money is desperately needed (as are the earnings from many locals who go to work in the UK as there are no jobs in Southern Europe). They like Europe, Southern Europe likes them - all hate the EU! Sorry to dent your illusions with some objective facts.
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