It's very modest. We need a total of £600 a year to keep things going and pay for further development. This includes server, registration, software licensing, and a little professional time. There's absolutely no intention of continuing to run on other than a community support basis. Rather than pack the place out with banners and other unsightly stuff that means six sponsors at £100 a shot. So far we have one, which is funding the current work and software upgrades. It's my intention to get on the phone and ask for sponsorship next week. The first five Bedlington businesses who say yes to < £2 a week for a year get it. After that they go on queue for first refusal for next year. The sponsor gets home page placement of their 240 x 400 advert (a proper ad., not a banner) and a 1 of 6 basis, and generous mentions elsewhere. We'll do the artwork for them for free, and they can use the ad elsewhere if they want. What they also get is their own website linked to from the Google #1 on the Bedlington keyword. Which is worth a fortune in the search engine positioning stakes. You could pay a search engine positioning outfit many times £100 and still get nowhere! The theme is: Keep it very simple, keep it fully transparent, and keep it fully voluntary!