ok it was a general statement (im not getting into any lawsuits) but i am being hung and quartered for working for a company that pays well, i have looked around for other jobs but there is simply nothing in the area that pays as well for the job that i do not even massive companys like the NHS, i wouldnt want to drop my wages because i couldnt go back to scrapping the bottom of my piggy bank to try and survive the month out between pays, my children reap the benefits of my working, i do not smoke or drink or do drugs (again each to there own but its not for me), this enables them to attend many different out of school activities and i do what i think is best for them, working is as i have said all about the money and if i can go to work and be happy at the working conditions then why not?
But where do you draw the line on this one Cympil? My question still sticks would the tag have been relaxed if he/she was a general member of the public.
I agree the question should not even have been asked a lot of people are going to be unhappy, it would be like giving a drink driver the keys of there car back after a week of ban .... wrong
Yeah i sleep very well thank you knowing that i support my children and pay my bills which to me is what working is all about As for customer treatment i can think of a few instances of a local firm handing out frozen goods from the back of there vans which we not properly frozen and partially defrosted, therefore i ask you the question of whether you slept at night knowing the food you had just handed to a customer could cause food poision or worse.
Hey i could be on the dole - my children are still of school age, but then surely people would have something to say about me being on benefits and sat at home not earning my cash (i know a few of those people who complain about people on benefits - not me before anyone starts on that one), i however go to work at a company i enjoy working for, is that so wrong?
I can honestly say my job does not involve any swindling of customers, all i do is sort out accounts which are in need of figures, all computer based, i go to work, do my job and come home, it pays the bills and supports my children.
Yes my friend is terminal she was told she has two months to two years ... that was two years ago, cancer is a very horrible disease i have lost many loved ones to it. Yes i think it would be harsh that my husband couldnt be with me but my question was were it someone that was not famous would the tag be relaxed ... personally i think no it wouldnt but would i want it to be or would i allow it to be then yes damn right i would, she is terminal and should be allowed to live the rest of her days with no unhappiness at all, the world is very cruel and unfair.
Mr Darn or anyone else for that matter ... can you say that you are truly happy with the company that you work for, pay rates, treatment of staff, yourself and customers and i mean 100% happy
ok before i go any futher i would like to say that it is horrible that she has terminal cancer BUT ... I think it is too public, i know a person in the same position and they get absolutely nothing, they too have two small children, i think that it is wrong that his tag has been relaxed, would the government do this for someone less in the public eye???
I agree we are much better paid than most other companies for less demanding jobs but can you blame anyone for wanting to work for them when they treat there staff so well, i think if people were offered a job working with them then they would def take it, best thing to do is go compare all utility companies, see who has the best prices and go with them. Take a look at some of the good that the company does, i dont know many other companies that are so generous.
Litres of course, i need more power to my car the phrase that size does matter is very true in this case. Next car im looking at is either a honda civic or a toyota celica
To say all Npower staff are alike is not correct though, there are different departments within the company, as i said at the beginning of this subject i can not fault them as an employer, the best ive worked for, salary and treatment of staff, i work for money not for fun
I have had a zafira, focus and now on a pug 206 I would take any NEW masserati, bugatti, aston martin, bmw, audi, porshe, lambo, atom, lotus basically any decent car with at least 2.0
I agree there are some numptys that work there but thats not my dept, we are all clever, witty and charming in my dept Take some local employers for example, i wouldnt want to be seen working in some of the places around here, where u need a degree in lack of social skills, education and language.
So sad he is a friends cousin, i believe his parents maybe away from home at present too, very popular guy who many of us know, will be sadly missed by many