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Malcolm Robinson

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Posts posted by Malcolm Robinson

  1. Don't see why we can't have thriving shops merc? I do think there is a hell of a lot of work to do to get there mind but with the right people and attitude I don't see why we can't get the masses of people who live in these new houses we have seen emerge in Bedlington over the last 30 years to use Front Street and its shops.

    First thing of course you have to get the correct shop offer then a joined up effort to winkle people out of their homes and actually walk down the street to see what they are missing. Then make it habitual!

    Smaller contemporary service sector and niche retailers would be my initial thoughts at present.

  2. Merc,

    As I said I think we are on the same page here but I don't see why Bedlington can't be the very best dormitory town and have the very best facilities of any in the country! We can't turn the tide back but what we can do is channel it in the most advantageous way for ourselves. I don't see why we can't have a thriving shop sector and I don't see why we can't have some recreational facilities for adults and our youngsters! We do need some innovative plans and mass community support but I don't think it's impossible. Course with so many imponderables it might be a case of………………….


  3. Second last line is what I kept at them about. There is a part which says........ infrastructure for new developments, but what was talking about initially was physical infrastructure, roads, paths, drains etc. I asked them to consider social infrastructure, schools, doctors, leisure and commercial infrastructure to support any new development. Hope they took it all on board!

  4. Merc,..I'm kinda with you on your main point, I take it as a compliment people want to come and live in Bedlington and buy a house here. Or developers think they do anyway! The objection I have is that there isn't any infrastructure to support the community 25 years ago never mind now. Lack of recreational avenues and no investment into the commercial offer have left us hopelessly mismatched as a viable Town.

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  5. Toffo,

    Town Council can only submit a response..........personally I am not even sure our replies are looked at, although I have been assured they are!.........................................................................................

    There are a lot of people commentating on Facebook about this development now. Maybe this is the one too far and we might even see the community galvanised into a strong and determined pressure group for our Town......................................................

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