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Malcolm Robinson

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Posts posted by Malcolm Robinson

  1. HPW,


    Rule of thumb you don't have constitutions in monarchy's, you have them in republics.


    If there are kings and queens going back 100's of years, and all that divine right rubbish, then any rights the serfs got was either ransomed for or not worth fighting about and so given freely. 


    In a republic normally, at the start, there is a Constitution written which has some semblance of democracy built into it. (Given the time period!) 


    As far as I know a monarchy with a constitution is a constitutional monarch and only has powers decreed by something like a parliament.  They are just figureheads and have no bearing on how the country is run.  

  2. Local councillors?  In Italy the local politicos are always offering their services to "fix" things - for obvious reasons.  They are the natural go-to. Again, I think it comes back to the nature of the problem.




    I wouldn't wish that on anyone GGG!  


    I know several who look to need help getting dressed every morning...........back me or sack me Adam!  

  3. Untill pretty recently CAB's, well the two I know of, had rent/rate free premesis.  


    Changes in associated public budgets did away with those pretty dammed important subsidies.  


    Not sure if the manager/staff gets paid but just about everyone associated with CAB does it voluntarilly.  


    These (CABs) should be funded because they are normally the first line of defence against a totalitarian system of local/national government.  

  4. Great stuff Toffo, bring your neighbours too.........starts 4.00pm I think?  


    Activities on in most of the 'closed' shops all week.  Even the mighty Tesco have given us the use of the old Indian Restaurant, downstairs and upstairs!  Plenty stuff going on there and also at the old Gas Shop, many thanks to the owners there too! :whistle:  


    Nearly had the old shoe shop but its got tenants going in.  


    Just trying to make Bedlington Front Street at least seem busy in the run up to Xmas!  

    • Like 1
  5. No, son Sym..............


    Yes I saw GGGG up the ladders setting that camera up.  


    If we could get one on top of the half built care home it would provide a panorama of Christmas light switch on fun and delights for ex pats...and Sym!     

  6. I am not Tony in any way shape or form.  


    Course it goes on, its a way of life but what you are talking about is pitiful compared to the zillions the bankers have just got!  


    And lets not forget our glorious MP's quite a few of whom are non execs on sizeable salaries.  


    Lets talk about contempt and see who holds the law of the land in the most contempt!   

  7. Goona be a closed road Toffo and plentyl of market stalls!  (Nov 26th)  


    Plus a FULL WEEK of activites to brighten up the Bedlington street scene.  Look out for promotional offers in a lot of the shops!!!!!!!


    Some of us are trying to push, pull and drag Bedlington into the 21st century!  


    Most of the hard work done by Leading Link as usual!  

  8. Coming down on one side on this one and its Keith's!  



    If we degrade to such an impersonal level then there's no hope left! 


    For hells sake there is a world out there and kids are stuck inside glued to little bleeping machines.  No wonder the art of conversation and interpersonal relationships are dying  

    Still can't beat a personal empathetic adviser and that's just one role for CAB.  It's also about sign posting and getting the right advice to the person in time.  


    Bedlington hasn't got one because we are not worthy! :whistle:   

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