I was born in 1977 and I can relate to a lot of this too, Malcolm. The most disappointing thing I have had the misfortune to be involved in recently, in relation to the way kids are 'brought up' today was a mother complaining at my nieces birthday party. I was in charge of the music during passy the parcel and she complained that her child hadn't had a 'chance' to have a go. Apparently even though there was 50 kids in the circle I wasn't giving each a fair go. I don't think my sister wrapped it 50 times, like! Life is full of disappointments, you can't always win and need to accept this gracefully. Children need to learn this too, as well as good manners (which seem to have gone out of fashion) and learning that you can't always get your own way. My other half received a swiss army knife for his 5th birthday and a soldering iron for his 9th. We want to encourage our kids, when we have them, to take a calculated risk. If they succeed the sense of achievement, freedom and the confidence boost will be massive, if they get hurt then they'll have learnt a lesson. I'd like to think that they too will ride their go karts down a hill. We'll bring them up to have manners, to say sorry, to be kind to people, to do as they're told or there will be consequences such as stopped pocket money. Sadly these things don't happen a lot today my nieces and nephew are either frightened of their own shadow or have a blatant disregard for what their parents tell them, almost 100% of the time.