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Everything posted by HIGH PIT WILMA

  1. Hi Willyj. A notice nea response from "sunny afternoon"!!heh heh!....lazy buggaa's..... John White said/sang...."and I was too young to know..."[musta been aan aal!...Graig was aroond in 1959...!]
  2. Hi Fizz,did Geordie Arkle live around Hollymount square in, Bedlington,in the 1960's? I worked with him at the Bedlington A pit,as well as his Brothers John and ? .[not the Arkle Brothers from Choppingon High pit,mind,who I also worked with,one of whom was also John....].
  3. Young Jim Prime,has a very unusual name. I wonder if he is the Son..[i'm trying ti work oot ages and years ,here,Tony,in me heed!]....or other relative,of Jimmy Prime.,senior,who was really badly injured at the Choppington High Pit,[being crushed up against a newly installed Desford/Gullick ?.... hydraulic face chock,roof support,by his coalcutter machine]. It was a bizzarre accident,cos we were installing a newly-won-out coalface, with these new-fangled hydraulic chocks,shaped like a giant mushroom,that pressurised the roof with about 20 tons of pressure,and they were a few yards apart at first,so there was a big gap between them,with wood timbers covering the rest of the roof on the face. Jimmy was running the cutter picks,I think to jib-in to turn the cutter,which was a very skilled manouvre,with the most vicious and dangerous machine ever invented by man...full stop,and no argument about that! The picks on the cutter jib struck something hard,and it danced the three-and-a-half-ton machine around like a toy,on the very low coalface,[just over two-feet high],swung the cutter around and crushed Jimmy up agalnst the face chock,nearly killing him..... He was apparently dying as we reached him on the face,with his lungs and all his internal organs being squashed. He was very lucky that the picks didn't take him into the machine,or he wouldn't have survived at all. We stretchered him with great difficulty,off the face,[just over two feet high-remember,]and all the way out of the pit,slipping and stumbling on the rough stony wet downward sloping roadways. Poor Jimmy got tossed about so much,it was a miracle how he survived the trauma of it all,and after we got him into the Ambulance,we thought he was already gone,his eyes and general appearance said it. Word came from the Hospital,after about two weeks,and being severely crushed....that he was playing hell with the doctor's cos he wanted to be out to go to the club for a pint with he's Marra's!!!! Were we pleased to hear that! After the Pit closed,I only used to see Jimmy up Bedlington main street,on he's way down ti the Market club!!...and you wouldn't have known how near he was,unless he told you,which,of course,he wouldn't! Sorry for the long story,Tony,I got carried away,re-living it,cos this happened aroond 1963-4..ish...maybe even 1965..not exactly clear,but no later,and no earlier,and it was a very traumatic event for us all who were there.[in really bad mine conditions] Tony,if you know Jimmy jr,on this pic,could you ask him if Jimmy sr is his Relation,please. Cheers. Bill
  4. My Parents were very gud friends with a Bob Lumsdon and his Wife,who lived at Scotland Gate ,long before I was born,and long after,just opposite Tait's shop,in the cottages.
  5. Thanks for sharing ,Tony!
  6. Lovely photo,Tony,hope you have this one framed and on your dresser.! Sad to read that she passed away at such a young age,Tony.


    Possibly the Market club,the land banks up behind the fellas,where they are now building a new block of flats.
  8. Did Dad work at the High Pit or the Low Pit by any chance? I lived at Storey's Buildings,on the Willow Bridge bank,in 1947,Guide post where I was born,before that. I knew loads of people from Eastgate,in the early Sixties,used to go down to lad's hooses who worked at the High Pit,and we were all into motorbikes... The fella on the left,is the spitting image of my deceased Brother-in-law.. Raymond Bell,from Bell's Ranch,in Netherton Colliery village.!
  9. Hi Tony,there was a Frankie and ? Heron,lived opposite my Family,at Hollymount Square,from the house being built arouns 1948--ish. Frankie was short and stocky,pleasant,[both of them...my Mother's gud neighbours..],they had two Sons,Frankie jr and Jacky. They all worked at the Doctor Pit,in those days. I was just a bairn of three[nearly four..when we moved there] Any Relation to you?
  10. Heh heh! A blast from the past! ...."Normal sevice will be resumed as soon as possible......"..!!!!! [Every few hours in the early days!] ....."This is.....Tyne Tees Television...Channel 8......" ! "Diddly dee dee Diddly dum.......Da DA da Da da Da da Da da .......Ping!" Can anybody put the jingle tune ti me Diddly's?!
  11. That Vicar was right in one way,but it seems he must have just been posted there not long before the find,and didn't sound as if he knew the history of the Church! It was taught to us kids over and over by successive teacher's ,starting as a five year old,at the Infant school opposite the church,now a wreck,and then at the Whitley Memorial School.
  12. The Chancel arch,inside St Cuthbert's,is the original archway to the altar,and was built by the Saxons,as was the original stone church...I say "Stone Church",cos the buildings before that would have been wood. The Norman's came a few years later,and demolished the building,and built around the Chancel Arch,for unknown reasons,but history tells us that the Normans only built majestic cathedrals and other buildings to show off their prowess,and NOT because of any religious beliefs that they held...it was a symbol of power,and might. When you look at the arch,as I have all my life since 5yrs old,you think to yourself,what great engineers they must have been! [it wud tek a big mel ti bray that one doon in a hurry!!] Aa think the Normans left it for two reasons..... [A] To humiliate the Saxons by sticking the proverbial fingers up at them..... They couldn't build one from scratch themselves,so they Zerox'd it...!!!! Being from,[i like to think!] ,Saxon stock,I prefer to think of the latter as being thi most probable! C'mon Malc!! Tell me the Normans were building masterpieces before the Saxons were born....!! Heh heh! Come ti think on't,the Normans even copied the Saxon's zig-zag pattern,on their arches,only not so fancy. John,was that the one found in the "Grassy Diamond" area in between the two streets? There was one found over the "Twenty Acres",but a canna remember the date,and that one was put in the Hancock Museum. Then there was the one I refer to in another thread,where my schoolfriend found ancient bones in the cave dooon the "Black Path",that leads from Hollymount Terrace,down to the Furnace bank bridge. Gotta lot of ancient history here in wor little toon..!
  13. Eh...Malc!! A divvent even knaa wat thi word means!!...it was just thi big word used in thi byeuk! A aalwis thowt it meant thi common law in England as we knaa it...thi Peel reforms an aal that...mind aav got a canny memory from a was 2yrs aad ,wi me little leather reins strapping me inti me pram,and being tugged back as a started waakin,by me Mutha,but a was hopeless at History,so me memory sometimes lets me doon!! Magna Carta waas signed in 1215 A.D. wasn't it? Seriously,Malc,I think you are spot-on with your analysis of what USED to be our Constitution!!
  14. Heh heh!,ignorance is bliss eh?!...and there's me aal cocky,thinking,aal put this bugger reet....!! No,aa was just trying ti keep things reet,but a shudda buttoned me lip till a knew thi facts!!! Sorry guys!! Noo.....where's that pint...[of milk,cos aam a teetotaller!]
  15. Great [and very interesting !] timeline Malcolm. The same book I refer to,said King John slept overnight ,as he fled up north,to escape the land Barons,when King Richard [John's Brother] was away at the Crusades. He slept in the Old Hall Pele tower,and escaped through tunnels underground,which led first,to the original old post office building,[or the site of the building],down in the neuk,in thi Market Place,and then down to the river Blyth,[which would have been deeper at high tide,in those days..],and finally onto a waiting boat,which took him to France. He was hauled back to face the consequences of his evil deeds,by Richard,on his return from the Crusades,and beheaded....so the book said. I learned as a child,[son of a pitman..],to "believe nowt wat yi read,and ownly haaf wat yi heor....youngin..."! So many things have been written,about our history,and I have seen many contradictions,like Maggie says,if only we had a time machine..... What the book didn't say was....who mined out the tunnels!! and why?...was it all planned for John's escape?... ..With a box of millisecond delay detonators,and a few thousand pounds of "Polar Ajax",it would have taken me and my marra's a few months ti drive tunnels that distance!!...[oh..!..,I forgot,we wud have needed a windy driller as weel!!] Anyway,aal that is irrelevant,thi main thing is that John DID stay in wor toon! When aa was relating this bit of history ti me Marra's at bait-time,one day,[doon thi Three-Quarter drift,at Bates],me big Marra Bill,who was a joker, sarcastically shouted ti aal the lads who were sitting listening ti me story...."Howw hae yi hord Alli,[ that was me!],he said King John slept doon at Bacchi's and had a game o snooker,and an ice cream,afore he buggaad off in a boat...."..!! Tha's aalwis one..isn't thaa?..! A forgot ti say that John was forced ti sign the Magna-Carta, which formed the basis of our Constitution..,before he was killed. Can you confirm any of this,Malcolm,or is it a bit of Author's licence to romanticise....?
  16. Bates pit was down the road behind you,on the Blyth side of the river,on the left,in the top photo. It was on the right going down the road ti thi "Station",and over to Blyth,on thi bottom pic. Maybe your pint is stronger than Adam's,Foxy!! Thi old Coffin chapel is just ti thi right of thi pic as ye see it. Mind,aad forgotten exactly hoo big the pit heap was! A used ti play owa the ponds and up thi heaps when a was aboot ten years aad,wi thi "big"lads...aboot 13 years aad! Me bedroom windae faced owa ti thi heap,and in thi dark neets,it was a blazing,smouldering , smoky sight,especially on really windy neets! On a last note...cos it's 1-30 am,and aam buggaad!..... .....Democracy is thi key word on here!!
  17. It was the United red single-decker No 42!
  18. Commonly refferred to as "The Ash Boat!" ....that was the Sir Fon!...mind he did a few thoosand miles oot at sea....! The old-fashioned bucket-dredger was a welcome sight an aal!,until the modern one came alang wi a modified coal-cutting disc-head,and a slurry suction pipe....THAT buggered up aal the fish-feeding beds in the river,ti put thi Alcan unloading berth there.
  19. In the 1970's,we ,[myself and neighbouring allotment-holders,in Stakeford]used to go down to the sewage treatment plant, where Aldi/Jolley's/Homebase etc,is now,at Cowpen,and the guy in there used ti tip all the treated human waste out of the vats,and onto the open land nearby,to drain the fluid off. There used to be pretty big heaps of the grey stuff,almost odourless, except for the Formaldehyde [?] odour,and the guy would say help yasell's ti as much as ye want,it saves me having ti gaan ti thi tip wi' it!! We spread it across the allotment,and dug it in,in the autumn,and it was a really gud,natural fertilizer. Can anybody else mind o' this free stuff? I moved to West Terrace ,Stakeford,colliery hooses,in 1970,and we had the ootside netty,[although it was a flush toilet by then!],right up until 1984,when I modernised the property after buying it from the Coal Board. My next door neighbour,still had the original old toilet pan,and high-up old cast-iron cistern,when I moved away,in 2001,and it is probably still there!
  20. Er..! .....just for the record,Malcolm,and everybody else, I wasn't inferring the date of 611AD as the date St Cuthbert's bones were rested there,mind, but as the date that that ground was consecrated. If that is correct,then it wud be logical for the monks to come back to that place to rest,probably in a mud hut,or similar abode. What do you think?
  21. Aye Maggie,the Gospels spring to mind...... Owt we hev is aalwis tekkin' awa' from us.......! Queer hoo tha was nea records of the find....wat museum wudn't have a records dept?!
  22. Hi ozz! Does the nickname of a teacher called "Chip" mean anything ti ye? If it does , tell me how he got the nickname,and I will confirm a very close link with you and your family,if I have got it wrong,then I apologise! Did the factory make jeans for M-N S in around 1991 ?
  23. So sorry,my dear Margaret....[?].....my lips will be forever sealed from this second on,never to slarver on ever again,whilst in your presence,to avoid any unnecessary annoyance to oneself,ever again....I will try to be the perfect gentleman from now on.......!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOO,YI BUGGER,WAT WAAS AA ON ABOOT AFORE AAL THIS YAKKIN' ON ABOOT SLAAVARIN........!!!!!!!!HEH HEH!! OH....! HI MAGGIE ....! Hevn't wi got a grate way o' taakin?.....them buggers doon sooth,thi aal taak funny,when yi gaan doon theor,neabugga taaks ti yi on thi trains a owt! When me Wife an me used ti gaa doon ti wor Daz's place,and gaa on thi tube trains,ivry bugga stared at yi for yi chatterin on...as if yi wa stupid a summik...! John,aav just re-capped ya dictionary again,an mind,yi desarve,alang wi ya secrortarry,a pat a two on thi back,cos mind,aam telling yi summick an aal,fo' nowt,mind,yiv puttin a helluva lot a graft in theor,for thi benefit of them that are forenna's ....an deain't knaa wat wa slavverin on aboot,haaf thi time! An Maggie,ya a star an aal,fo' being a very wise diplomatic and undastandin lassie!! Wat a great site this is!
  24. New one on me,and a knew lots of Choppington people,but if it was in thi sixties,then a wud've been oot o' touch by then,and living at Hollymount Square, in Bedlington. Where was the Nurse's hoose then,please?..was it still in aad Dr Hickey's hoose and surgery..maybe? Crowe....very unusual name,my eldest Son's Partner,in London,is a Crowe,and her family is extensive,but they originate from Shropshire. Aal have her asked if she has any distant relatives up here,could be...in the same way my Son has...!! Slightly off-topic,again!,but twenty years ago,when my Son moved to London,working in the recording studios as an engineer,he went up Finchley road where he lives,to go to the local printer's to get a print job done for the studio. When he went into the printer's shop,in thi high street,thi first person he set eyes on was Tommy Liddell's Grandson,Peter!! [Tommy who had Liddel's garage alang here at Stakeford for aboot two hundred years!!!!]what a co-incidence ti meet up after being at school together years before!
  25. If anybody here went ti Lucy's in the latter years,up until it closed down,ye's wud hev knaan me big aad Marra Bill,who was on thi door for a canny few years,even when he was still workin' at Ellington pit. He was owa 60 years aad,and hoying drunk youngins oot,who were battling on,sumtimes one in each hand,cos he was, and still is,strong as an ox!! That's him on me pit photo's on Flickr,sitting at thi handles of thi coalcutter,for those of you who might have visited the site,and checked oot High Pit Wilma's photostream,of Bates's Pit.[Adam's Dad's up on thi cage wheels heedgear!]
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