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Posts posted by Maggie/915

  1. I am still experiencing problems signing in .

    The picture above is looking towards the school on the West Ridge .

    The water here is running out of the cemetery onto the road and into a drain on the road.

    the next picture is looking to wards Westlea and appears to be in line with the Green Letch maybe trying to head to Choppington.


  2. That makes sense Bayardm.

    I wonder if culverts are blocked.

    The other flooding issue is the old entrance in the hollow before the road rises to Westridge and the Ridge Farm area.

    All weekend the water has been running out of the cemetery and into a drain on the road.

    Again maybe a blocked culvert.

    The new houses and buildings at the school may have had an effect.

    Drainage is not effective either way and there are houses that could flood.

  3. The cemetery is in serious trouble.

    The old waterways around seem to be failing.

    I wonder why?

    New houses , blocked channels / drains or just changing weather patterns.

    Walking in line with the Netherton Club cannot be done without walking on the road next to the cemetery. The mud on the road / parh (that goes in line with the old red ash path) is always muddy regardless of time of year or weather .

    It is very sad to see the cemetery flooded.

    The graves seem to be not waving but drowning !

    Where did the Green Letch take water towards the Wansbeck or The Blyth ?

    Hopefully there is a solution.

    I cannot remember this ever being the situation in the past.

    Ok Westlea was flooded because the land ,after the opencast was not put back correctly.

    This still results in a lake forming between Red House and Westlea.

    My memory was of a little stream to cross to get to the Old Original Red House Farm.

    Now houses have been built in what I belieced was a fire break between the houses.

    When the Coop were developing the Ridge Farm extensive work on drainage seemed to be being carried out!

    With so very many more houses planned in the area it seems like a ticking time bomb to serious flooding of houses!

    • Like 1
  4. Water water everywhere.

    The UK is drowning as Malcolm says.

    I wonder if we should start 'Ark building'.

    One point of interest is the statement that in some areas they have run out of 'road closed signs'.

    The road to Rothbury is still closed I wonder how long it will take to deal with the current problems.

  5. Maybe the case as 3g has said is 'eliciting a response that demonstrates the weakness of the position of the opposition and their misunderstandings'.

    Controversy means a platform for expressing your opinions again and again with back up from any old source no matter how unproven or discredited.

    People will make up their own minds.

    Once the argument gets around to personal abuse I think the argument is lost.

    Left or Right of politics that is our democracy .

    That means an acceptance of Guardian readers as thinking people and not 'looney lefties'.

    Sincerely held views!

  6. Agreed Canny Lass but lots of versions or translations.

    From the dark wood lots of paths are lost or do not go in a straight way forward.

    Either way I think you can say we took the path less travelled to reach our destination.

    Not that we have got there yet.

    'It's not dark yet but it is getting there'

  7. In political terms you are not supposed to ask a question unless you know the answer.

    From my own viewpoint I see all politics as a State of War between the parties.

    Often the truth is in there but you have to search and perhaps remain aware of why people take up a certain political viewpoint.

    At times of conflict all to often people do NOT listen to the other persons viewpoint.

    Left or Right of politics should allow for the individual viewpoint but sadly it does not .

    I could perhaps sum up certain arguments as 'What part of I'm right and your wrong do you not understand'.

    Anyway back to the Green button, I now think I am able to decide when and if I decide to use the function.

    The point from the start was to make people aware that the system exists.

    Heaven forbid that anyone goes for vote rigging.

    That would mean analysing the figures and we all know where that would lead.

    We would be forced to decide who was left and who was right.

    Perhaps leading us all to independent views .

    • Like 1
  8. Where does it tell you Malcolm.

    Your post above has the green button but also strange symbols after your name on the right .

    What do they mean?

    It appears they are only the number of posts in the thread but I do not understand the symbols.

    The star rating for this topic is 2votes but it has five yellow stars! Why?

    Maybe two people have pressed more than once!

    Every time I think I have the answer I think of another question.

    Maybe it does not matter!

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