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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. I have made the 2023 award and as long as all are happy with this years award going to The friends of Westlea Cemetery (TFOWC) I will post the following text and images on TFOWC Facebook page. To the volunteers at The Friends Of Westlea Cemetery. In 2020 on the Bedlington community group (bedlington.uk) it was suggested that a yearly award (purely online) be award to anyone that had helped the group or anything to do with Bedlington. It was decided to name it The Piper Award after Ainsley Piper who bred the Bedlington terrier in 1825 in St Cuthbert’s Vicarage. This December the members of the group have voted for the online award to go to your volunteer organisation that has helped so many people in Bedlington, and beyond. So the members of bedlingto.uk would like to say thank you to the work your volunteers have done.
  2. Update on the Bedlington Station railway station by councillor Alex Wallace.
  3. No 3, 20 & 21 updated. Christian names from Lesley Todd and Janet Trotter Bygone Bedlington FB group.
  4. I got No 2 wrong - should be Violet Bushby
  5. Names from the Cambois FB group members.
  6. @Maggie/915 @Canny lass Series 27 Episode 16. In Northumberland they started at Berwick and ended up in Bedlington before going to sale rooms in West Yorkshire. ( I didn't watch the program I just skipped through it on BBC iPlayer). All they showed of Bedlington was the shop front and inside the shop so had a Google and the Penny Black Antique shop is 66a East End Front Street.
  7. Interest declared and just as previous years any member of this group can vote for anyone, or group, nominated
  8. In my opinoin one of the worst antique shows broadcast. it must be years ago when I watched an episode and it was two people inside a shop pretending to barter over a piece of junk. But as it's Bedlington I will record and see if the town gets a mention and if any views of the town are shown
  9. 2022 should be 2023
  10. Would anyone like to comment on this years Piper Award going to :- https://www.facebook.com/Thefriendsofwestleacemetery @Andy Millne @John Fox (foxy) @Malcolm Robinson @Vic Patterson @HIGH PIT WILMA @Bedlingtonian @Pete @Jammy @Maggie/915 @_pauls @James @Symptoms @Mal @Tonyp @Beano @7RIrF @carly @Bill Straughan @oldtimer @Dave Twist @6233jane @threegee @Darren Smith @jfk @B Davison @DJA 24 @anniemarr @Katherine Hyde @Jr6468 @Sheila Prouten @Joe McNally @Patricia Wadsworth @SouthernGeordie @rosco @Linray @lynnewatson @sallywoo1971 (= all those thatv have commented or posted photos on this group in 2022)
  11. No 24 named by herself - Susan hemsted-James.
  12. Don't know Vic - @Malcolm Robinson might know. ps. I forgot to mention that @John Fox (foxy) has also helped in the restoration :-
  13. My thoughts for this year are as this group has been very quite and very few questions asked from members that have resulted in anyone having to dig deep to help out is that the Piper Award should go to 'The Friends of Westlea Cemetery'. They are a group of volunteers that have organised and helped in the restoring of the delapidated buildings, grounds and appearance of the cemetery. @Malcolm Robinson has been involved with them and I am sure he knows a lot about them. For Facebook (FB) members this is a direct link to their Facebook page :- https://www.facebook.com/Thefriendsofwestleacemetery An article published by the Northunberland Gazette :- https://www.northumberlandgazette.co.uk/news/westlea-cemetery-in-bedlington-to-get-queen-elizabeth-ii-memorial-and-remembrance-garden-refurbishment-4339703 This is their FB cover page :- Some images of the volunteers and some of the items they work on :-
  14. Cheers Bill.
  15. I wonder if they had ambulance transport from the pits in the 50's - 70's after the NHS act was introduced in July 1948 or did the pits just rely on First Aiders in the pit getting the injured to the surface to be collected by the NHS ambulace? @HIGH PIT WILMA & @James would know
  16. https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/dont-leave-us-waiting-at-the-station?fbclid=IwAR26POMUwM1oiNOdorVtCWxy512Td7W-kgRwkTfLShxbDV1A1aOezCO950M
  17. So the 1920 ambulance motor value today would be £44,094.08. (8 x £5,511.76) An NHS ambulance today costs £156,000.00. Therfore the 1920 £800.00 ambulance motor was approximately 350% less the value of a 2023 amblance
  18. Should read - 'St Cuthbert's church was used by many families from the two areas of Bedlington = The 'Top End' and Bedlington Station (used to be Sleekburn).'
  19. Welcome to the group @Margaret I Johnson The Discussion section is good for individual posts but if your have a number of old photos to ask questions about then an album in the Gallery section under Historic Bedlington can be more usefull as any comments made are specific to the relevant photo. It can get quite confusing when many additional photos that are not relevant to the original posting are added into a topic. For the wedding photo you have posted I have added the info to your photo and if anyone else matches a name with anyone ifn the photo I will add the name to the photo. You may already know the church and it's location in bedlington but just incase you don't here are a couple of current Google Street View screen shots with info added :- St Cuthbert's church was used by many familiess from the two areas of Bedlington = The 'Top End' and Bedlingtob Station (used to Sleekburn).
  20. hello @Canny lass from Wilf
  21. November 2023 - with a 'Merry Christmas' wish (but same hat and scarf @Canny lass ) - photo from Simon Williams.
  22. No 18 named as Stephen Harnet by Hazel Krzyzanowski (nee Anderson - No 22 in the photo)
  23. No 27 - the teachers full name from Eileen Litster - Bygone Bedlington FB group.
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