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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. Sorry @Anne Gilbert - don't know anything about the tragic incident involving your brother. As for the opencast it did spread from the Westlea area - High & Low Ewart Hill - Acorn bank, where the Golf course is now and almost down to Humford baths. There was a bridge build over the Bedlington Bank and then over the River Blyth, from Bedlington to Bebside, for the Euclid trucks to travel over.
  2. Welcome to the group @Karen Gowing. I can't give you any info on the Moore family but might be able to help you with info on the Bedlington area. Were you raised in Bedlington? Top End or Bedlington Station? I see you have already made use on the Gallery creating your album 'Bill Moore' In the Historic Bedlington section of the gallery we have an album for the past and present Bedlington schools so it could be that there are some photos of your family in those albums. Do you know any of the schools your family went to?
  3. I can't help you @Anne Gilbert . I can remember looking at the old maps and there appeared to be 'opencast' from West Lea all thee way along to Nedderton and Netherton Colliery.
  4. Carol Leck, Bygone Bedlington FB group thinks No 2 could be her uncle who was born in 1930.
  5. Just noticed your comment @Rigger and I would say as you look at the photo Shiney Row on the left and Doctor Terrace on the left. I can't help you @Anne Gilbert. I never worked in the pits. My granda, Martin Henderson, born 1894, and a couple of my uncles, Martin & Luke worked at the Dr Pit but they lived in Haig Road then Beatty Road.
  6. - I'll have a play and if I find anything else of interest I will take a copy and update this topic.
  7. @Andy Millne as I no longer live in Bedlington I thought I would check on the Openreach web site detailing the Ultrafast Full Fibre Broadband Rollout. Bedlington isn't named on the 82 sheets of names listed showing when the Rollout in that area is scheduled :- I then did a check, using postcodes, on the Rollout site. I selected two in Bedlington = St Benet Biscop school, Ridge terrace and Co=op, Station road Bedlington Station, NE22 5HB. and both resulted in Openreach saying it was already available. This is what is returned :- I then checked on Ashington, that's named in the Rollout sheets and again I used the Co-op = Milburn Road NE63 0PH and you get this :- So on that evidence Bedlington must be ready now
  8. @Canny lass - I have suggested to Lynne she views this topic, and given her a direct link to it. I have also suggested she joins this group and makes the passing of info easier
  9. I knew of Bridge End House and it's location but No 46 seems strange. In will pass your info on the Davison families to Lynne👍
  10. Has anyone heard of Bridge End cottage or Cobbledicks on the Bedlington or Bebside Furnace bridge area? On the Bygone Bedlington Facebook group these are a couple of the comments that were posted :- Looking at the maps that @Canny lass posted during the research she did around that area (small buildings at the end of the Furnace Bridge? topic) there are no rows of cottages and on the 1858 diagram of the area from Evan Martin's book - 'Bedlington Iron & Engine Works 1736-1867' there isn't a row of cottages.
  11. Photo from Sarah Ince - Bygone Bedlington Facebook group.
  12. @HIGH PIT WILMA - my fault Bill. It was initially thought to be c1949 but back in 2019 No 25, grace Fizgibon, and a few others, reckoned about 1953. I forgot to add an updated photo with the year on.
  13. I could have it wrong Bill but my memory keeps recalling when my uncle Larry, married to my mam's sister, Peggy Henderson, used to visit Geordie Graham and my memory says it was in Hollymout Square. My mam's family and the Graham family used to live next door to each other in Haig Road. My mam's family, 11 of them, moved into Beatty Road and I though the Graham family had moved into Hollymount, but that could be where I am going wrong. My uncle Larry, Irish piper, lived in London and when the family came North to visit the Henderson's in Beatty Road Larry would meet up with Geordie in the Black Bull. Now this is where I may have muddled up the story. Apparently when they left the Black Bull they went to Geordies BUT perhaps it was via Hollymount and NOT in Hollymount. Geordie had a daughter Alice and she was my mam's bridesmaid in 1941 so I guess the Graham's were still living in Haig road. Alice married Stuart Young - was there a family called Young living in Hollymount Square when you did? This is Geordie Graham :-
  14. until
    Info from Stacey Price.
  15. Question and photos from David Bailey :-The “Monkey.” Maybe 1930’s? Can anyone give me any more information on these two? I’m assuming it’s Mr & Mrs Morgan. I’ve no date or names with the photo. @HIGH PIT WILMA - David Bailey is the great grandson of Geordie Graham - Haig road then Hollymo0unt square.
  16. Thanks @James - I couldn't find that map - I should have copy of it saved but I must have deleted it 😁
  17. @James & @Symptoms - the oldest map I can find with the Top End Mechanics Institute named is an 1896 map, National Library of Scotland, and it shows the building named at what us now the community centre. The 'Old Maps' site has now moved, taken over by 'Landmark Estate Agency Services' and you can't access the maps unless you join. So the only maps I use now are from the National Library of Scotland. Don't know if @Canny lass has access to other maps.
  18. Photo from Barbara hall - names from the Bygone Bedlington FB group members.
  19. @Canny lass - Ingrid replied to your info with :- Ingrid Atkinson Canny lass thank you so much in the 1911 census my great grandparents stated they lived there at least a couple of years previously as they had a daughter born there in 1908, they then moved to Burdon Terrace by 1910 because my great grandfather went to Canada for work in Oct that year and my grandfather was born early 1911.
  20. Photo posted on the Past Times History FB group by @johndawsonjune1955 - names from the Bygone Bedlington FB group members.
  21. Thank you @Canny lass - I'll add your info to Ingrid's question - and see what she says.
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