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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. The festival to be held between 10:00 and 17:00 at East Bedlington & Bedlington Community centres with refreshments served between 10:00 & 12 noon at St. Cuthbert's Church.
  2. until

    The festival will be held at east Bedlington Community Centre & Bedlington Community Centre with refreshments, between 10am to 12 noon at St Cuthbert's Church.
  3. until
  4. @MusicFan27 - have you tried ringing Russell Hogg or Brian Freeman?
  5. 1. Who did Neil Kinnock replace as leader of the Labour party? Answer = 2. Who owned the High Chaparall ranch? Answer = 3. Scenes from which battle were the first to appear on a British commemorative postage stamp? Answer = 4. Which letter of the Greek alphabet is equivalent to U? Answer = 5. What would you find on a periodic table? Answer = 6. How old was Pele when he first played in the football World Cup Finals? Answer = 17 – Brazil 5 – Sweden 2 7. Which island country has two official languages, Sinhalese and Tamil? Answer = Sri Lanka 8. What kind of dish is Bouillabaisse? Answer = never heard of it and would never order it 9. How old is a quadragenarian? Answer = same age as me = 40 to 49 10. Which international airport was previously known as Dum Dum Airport? Answer = 11. Why do flags fly on British government buildings on February 6th? Answer = Queen Elizabeth II jubilee. 12. Venetian blinds originated in Japan. True or false? Answer = False I’ll bet you didn’t know …. Devout Jews obey no fewer than 613 commandments including the 10 of the Christian faith Answer = I didn’t. Sounds just like the house rules that I have to obey
  6. No 2 & 4 updated. Ken Mortimer commented :- I've shown this to my mam (b. 1932) and she is sure number 4 is her grandmother, Catherine Ayre who lived at 24 Haig Road. Mam also thinks number 2 is her Aunt, Lizzie Ayre
  7. @HIGH PIT WILMA - we will have to get a garden windmill
  8. @Jo C - just in case that building the Boys Band are standing in front of was not Bedlington and was Gateshead I had a check on the Gateshead Facebook groups - Gateshead History & Gateshead Now and Then to see if anyone recognised the brick built building. There were a few suggestions of old churches but they were all stone built. You mentioned above that the 191 census has the family living in St Cuthberts Terrace, Gateshead so I checked if there were any images of a St Cutherberts Terrace. This one was posted and I screen shot a couple of the comments :- Using the info that Tony Diston posted this is a Google street view now with a pointer added to where St Cuthberts Terrace used to be.
  9. @Jo C - unfortunately can't find any old Bedlington building that matches your image.
  10. Cheers @James - I haven't stumbled across that one before - now I have and ordered a copy - Amazon £7.99
  11. 1. What was the name of Prospero’s daughter in The Tempest? Answer = 2. Near which British seaside resort are the Great and Little Ormes? Answer = Llandudno – I was there in 1986 and visited 3. Which animal caused the death of William III? Answer = 4. Who wrote All Quiet on the Western Front? Answer = 5. In which film is the last line “Tomorrow is another day”? Answer = 6. Who described Newcastle’s women as dogs, Alan Shearer as Mary Poppins and football fans as mugs? Answer = 7. What is a bullace? Answer = 8. What name is given to a cow that has not yet had a calf? Answer = 9. What have Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands and Spain all got that Germany, France and Italy have not? Answer = A queen ??????????????????? 10. Who was the supreme God in Norse mythology? Answer = 11. Who was the Wimbledon Women’s Singles Champion in 1994? Answer = 12. What is the only insect that can turn its head to look directly behind it? Answer = I’ll bet you didn’t know …. The Roman Emperor Claudius choked to death on a feather that his doctor used to tickle his throat to induce vomiting Answer = I didn’t.
  12. @James - can't remember having seen this photo before, but I do forget quite easily these days. Is this one from one of Evan Martin's books on Bedlington?
  13. Cheers @James - so I wonder if the Netherton Colliery Brass Band were playing in the Bandstand for the opening? The year for this photo of the band was estimated at c1959 :-
  14. Don't know when the bandstand was built and can't find an image of the bandstand that we might be able to work out the date from any other buildings in that image. Can't make out what the objects between the edge of the Hairpin Bend and the seven sisters are. My eyes think they are various shaped stones at the side of the road not the roof tops of any buildings. The poem - The Poplars was posted on the Facebook group Bygone Bedlington but I can't find the posting to see if the person who posted it gave any info - I'll keep searching
  15. I sneaked in there in 1965, aged 17, and carried on going there until the Domino opened. Like you I remember the engine oil. I can't remember the landladies name but I do remember she used to get a crate of milk in and that was an alternative drink to the Double Maxim and the engine oil. In the Disco lights a pint of milk stood out - as did dandruff. I think the police man that was there at closing time to try and prevent the fights was known locally as Big Jock.
  16. until
  17. @Anne Gilbert - I remember in the early 1960's I used to deliver the Sunday newspapers to a few house along Stead Lane but can't remember any of the names of those I delivered to. For the Sunday deliveries it wasn't just push the newspaper through the door you had to knock on the day and collect the money for the newspaper. Think I stopped delivering them in 1966 when alcohol, forced on me on a Saturday night at Craigsies Disco (Railway Tavern), used to prevent me waking up early The only name I can remember of a lad, a couple of years older than me, living in Stead Lane is Ken Moor. He used to play in a group called The Olympics and they practiced in the YMCA.
  18. Can't remember our lot ever using 'The Flaggies'. We had a similar system just behind the Bandstand at the Furnace bridge end. Just like your diving areas ours was on the Ha'penny side. There was a flat rock, about 6 x 3 feet, stuck out from the Ha'penny side and we built a dam, with the rocks out the river, just a couple of feet past the flat rock. I can't remember there being access to the flat rock from the Ha'penny side so our clothes, towel and bait were always left of the Free side next to the Bandstand. I think we spent more time having to repair the dam.
  19. @Canny lass this is a map you created for someone else showing the buildings down the Glebe Road @CathAC this is a Glebe Road Now (Google 2022) & Then (Cl's 1924 map) The 'Picture Cinema' building on the 1924 map still exists and is now a gym. You can see on the Now shot that the buildings Canny Lass identified on the 1924 map were all demolished to make way for the roundabout and the dual carriage way. The old Glebe Road still exists, to the right of the dual Carriageway as you look at the 2022 image.
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