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Everything posted by Eileen

  1. Hi Keith, just been reading through woody school memories. There were two fires at the woody school, my grandma lived at 11 Albert Road 3 houses from the school, my mam had been there on a saturday night and came home to tell us there had been a fire but not to much damage i think it had been started outside the gym door. The second fire was huge, my uncle Jim who lived with my grandma came to tell us, I remember helping to give out cups of tea to the fireman. It was definately 1969 as my grandma died that year as well, she was born at Hirst Head farm in 1895.
  2. I grew up playing down there as my friend Hilarys grandparents lived at woodside, I think playing around the ruins is what sparked my interest in history, but now when i go there i will think about those poor children who worked there, im so glad times have changed. Thank you John
  3. Well u learn something new everyday, I always thought the budge was the shelter on the corner opposite the church, thank u for making my night, so funny.
  4. I was a Mona Taylor baby as well back i 1956, my mam used to talk a lot about a midwife call Nurse Dunbar, it later became an old peoples home and changed its nam e to Thomas Taylors.
  5. Re the picture of the woman standing in the field, the woman standing on the far right is my grandmother Eleanor Ester Latty, she lived at thr farm with her mother Mary Todd and her two brothers William who died in thr first world war, and Robert, who is in the other photograph, standing in a field with the horse. I have quite a few postcards sent to Hirst Head, especially ones sent from France from my uncle Rob to my gran who he called Nelly. I have a couple of photographs taken around 1900 as well. If anyone has any more photographs I would love to see them.
  6. Hi this is my uncle Robert Latty
  7. i do, the lady on the far right is my grandmother, Eleanor Ester Latty, she was born at Hirst Head in 1895, had 2 brothers Robert, and William who wa killed in the first war, I have postcards addressed to Hirst farm from him to my grandmother whom everyone called Nelly, my great grandmother lived at the farm as well, she was called Mary, as for my great grandfather Robert Todd, he is a bit of a mystery. My grandmother married James Purdy, whose brother George, John wrote a book about him. I do have a couple of photos taken at Hirst Head, I would love to find out more. Eileen
  8. what was tarry toot?
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