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Mr Darn

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Posts posted by Mr Darn

  1. My main point was that buisnesses did not use the forum because its 95% humour, even in talk of the town now.

    this needs put on a back burner, and the main bedlington discussion needs brought into the spotlight.

    its hard now, to find a handful of serious threads in amongst all the banter.

    I'm not by any means saying it needs abolished, not at all! it just needs a protective shield over it to stop new members being scared off.

    Just my opinion tho.

    Maybe the opinions of some of the buisness holding members?

    two i can think of are TheDunCow and Bedlington Bears... Where are you when your opinion is needed, and more to the point, what aint you using Bedlington.co.uk announcments to premote?

  2. You should have posted this in the Public Announcements section. Then the full text will be visible to absolutely anyone who visits (including the search engines), and it will not be possible for people to post distracting replies.

    Public Announcements are also published by RSS feed, which means they appear on other websites too, further increasing the notice's exposure. You only have to be a member to post Public Announcements, not read them.

    I ask myself why more Bedlington businesses don't use this free facility more(?). It seems pretty dumb not to use such a well targeted medium that's absolutely free. Then I look at the woeful state of business in the town, and (like Andy Brown) wonder how they are still there! Perhaps if we charged for it they'd value the service? Or maybe they need the tax-loss of having their advertising money dumped in a hedge or blowing in the wind? :)


    Perhaps its because local businesses see this site as a joke? i have mentioned the site in several places, thinking maybe i would mention being a member to them and perhaps bring them on board to make the site more popular, but unfortunately they just don't see it to its full potential.

    Alot have already become silent members, watching for a week or two, before 'being moved to the recycle facility at Stakeford' because they simply don't come back.

    I personally, being a member for a while now, think the site has potential, but where the site lacks is proper moderation and structure.

    Yeah yeah, i know what your thinking....here's Darny off on one again when he's the main culprit! :P;) well, one of em anyway (sorry MONGO, didn't want to steal any thunder there! ;) )

    This is the way i see it at the minute, (I'm thinking a split topic may be in order here to get others views too!) the structure of the forum is excellent, with a place for serious topic, a place for banter, and the rest too.

    The trouble is they are all merging into one.

    Me personally? i would crack down on talk of the town, then put chat central into its own 'group' so you actually have to ask for access before its granted, and you see all the numpty's playing about. (yes, me included!) You could even have it set up as auto acceptance, so all the user has to do is click the link and they are a member of that group.

    This lets those who want to come here for the banter, keep it up, and those more serious minded folks who actually just want to come here to discuss serious issues (boring !*!@# !) and Bedlington, but don't want to see the silliness, need not see it.

    The simple split in forums is not working.

    The main response from places i have asked in has been 'Bedlington.co.uk? not a chance, its a site full of numpty's with no IQ baiting each other to the point of riot. there is no way i would even consider being affiliated with that site whilst that crap is going on!' or words to that effect.

    Us 'numpty's' keep the site alive, but putting the banter on show, where the casual new members eye can, and will, take offence whilst passing, simply because they don't know how well we actually know each other now and how far we can push (sometimes!) each other, but we may also be the sites undoing for the discussion of serious topics like the state of the businesses, pubs, and even telling us what's going on in the town.

    I know i for one would like to see the local pubs advertising themselves here, so i can see whats on where, and local businesses displaying their special offers, but so long as they think they will be ridiculed as soon as they do (i point out BarLassOfBedlingtons attempt for the Tavern and The Dun Cow's recent attempts) Its neither wonder no-one wants to take the opportunity.

    Now, this box I'm standing on is starting to rot now, I've been on it so long....any one else got a serious view? or is this suggestion going to get the stick it should had it been put in Chat Central?? :P

  3. those ones on page 2 were pretty good....

    the 'bat to the chin' and the 'airborn bmx rider' assuming some sort of ski-jumping pose were the 2 that tickled me most,

    but the 'ooooo, thats gotta hurt' goes to the guy with the bulls horn halfway up his leg, oooo, i bet that smarts!!! :D:lol::P

  4. I think you must be an official buffet opener :D

    You think i could actually get paid for it like? :huh::mellow::huh:

    Looking at the way my stomach is ballooning again, one of 3 things are happening....

    1, i'm pregnant,

    2, i'm opening too many buffet's at the minute


    3, i may be consuming a teensy weensy bit more alcohol than i should be....

    its a tough one to call....

  5. who is your isp? if its bt then mine does it all the time. i can only access tinternet by ethernet cable.same on two different laptops.

    :o How do you survive man???!!!?!!?

    I dont think i can take a dump nowerdays without my laptop and mousebreaker.com....

    I think i may be giving out too much personal info here..... :huh:

  6. I was wondering if anyone could help me here...

    I'm having a few problems accessing the internet from time to time, but this appears to be becomming more frequent (like 3 times today)...

    Anyway, I'm unable to access most sites, including my ISP homepage, BBC and Microsoft stuff... In fact the only page that it seems to allow me access is Bedlington.co.uk! This seems to be up to date, and allows me to navigate the site as usual... it seems to do this on most occasions when I am unable to access any other site elsewhere...

    Usually, with a switch off of the pc and of the wireless box it seems to put itself right... but it's a reet hassle if there's limited edition 7" you're trying to outbid someone for! I have just installed the 2008 edition of Norton, but think that this problem may have occured once or twice before I did so... I am kinda suspecting something to do with automatic updates as they always seem to be downloading, but I don't really know why it would effect everything but this site...

    Any ideas?!

    Thanks! :)

    I've had this asked a few times, and the reply always seems to be the same...

    its corrupt files...

    basically, make sure you defragment your harddrive often, as a fragmented cookie plays war with browsers.

    clear your browser cache and temp internet files regularly, as well as general housekeeping.

    and, if you want a good program, try ccleaner.

    99.9% of the PC's i work with have worked faster and more efficiently after the basic cleanup from this program.

    However, with this program comes a bundle...

    The dreaded toolbar and registry cleaner.

    The toolbar can be solved by unticking the option during instalation (look carefully for the check-box)

    as for the registry cleaner...i NEVER reccomend them, so just dont use this particular feature.....

    Downloadable at www.ccleaner.com

    or ----->>>>>CLICK HERE<<<<<----

    for the latest version.

  7. can this be really true?

    KT&T Communications, not be confused with AT&T Communications, has registered several new operating units in Texas. Those companies, "I Don't Know", "I Don't Care", "It Doesn't Matter", and "Whoever", charge about double the cost of some other long distance companies for operator-assisted long distance calls, the Associated Press says.

    The choice comes when the operator asks which long distance company you want to complete your call. "It's not deceptive at all," insists Dennis Dees, president of KT&T. Dees won't say how many calls his new companies has completed, but said "I Don't Care" and "It Doesn't Matter" were the most successful.

  8. Hate it with a passion, i am moving as soon as i can afford to

    I too am not impressed with the development of the town in the last 10-20 years.

    Bedlington used to be a place i really enjoyed, and was a great place when i was younger.

    now the place just seems to be dying. Pubs are empty, streets are being filled with young people with no respect at all for anyone or anything and the front street is becoming a ghost town.

    Alas, i too will be out by the end of the year, and it wont be anywhere local either!

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