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Mr Darn

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Posts posted by Mr Darn

  1. Splodge. You can but you might not have the room for your elbows coz it'll be packed.

    :blink: You wern't kidding!

    i dont think i've ever seen as many people in that pub at any one time!

    Mind, i had a misguided opinion that a "buskers night" would be all tramps and war veterans with 3 legged dogs and hats with small change, but it wasnt!!!

    The first buskers night i've been to, and if last night was anything to go by, it wont be the last!

    AND the free buffet was lurvly! (you can tell a good buffet by the speed at which it goes!)

    A great night had by all!

    Lets hope you take the hint pam+neil, and get them back sometime ;)

  2. Come on you lot if you think you've got what it takes.

    Get along to the Dun Cow this Sunday 1pm & have a go at the Pool Competition.

    Only £1 to enter & the winner gets a gallon of beer.

    I'll even pop some grub on the bar to keep up ya energy levels.

    Look forward to seeing you all there.

    Pam & Neil.

    ooo, sounds great...do you supply the towels and goggles or do we bring our own?

    i'm using my own trunks tho... :mellow:

    ...is it just general swimming or is there some diving involved too? ;):D:D:D

  3. Exactly what Cympil said: Blame your parents!

    Why blame my parents?

    is the schooling system not in place to teach me about life?

    its funny how something like 'religious education' and 'the offside rule' can find its way into the school curriculum but something everybody needs like 'what taxes need paid and why' is missed out...

  4. I personally think life skills should be (if they are not already) taught in schools.

    i know me personally, i was taught nothing about what taxes i would have to pay, why i had to pay water rates or electricity bills, nor any other basic life eventualities everyone else seemed to know about instinctivly!

    i got a really big shock when i moved into my first flat! :angry:


  5. The Buskers are coming to entertain you at the Dun Cow on Saturday 3rd May.

    If you can play an instrument come along & have a go. If not just sit back & enjoy. There's quite a few coming in so far. I think about 15 to 20 so far, so it should be a crackin night.

    This will be classed as Our Grand Opening night. Coz we haven't had one yet.

    We've had a little refurb so if you haven't been in yet come & have a looooooooooooooook.

    Get in sharp if you want a seat. Come & try some real ale too.

    Look forward to meeting you all.

    Pam & Neil

    You know...you could just get a jukebox!! :D

    anyways... i'll be there! B)

    (but i'll be wearing a mask so you lot dont know its me!)

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