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Mr Darn

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Posts posted by Mr Darn

  1. Ahhh, so, i was in there! i knew i remembered something about it... just cant remember leaving the market tavern... Vodka will do that to you!

    so can i expect a blow by blow account of each and every visit to your kind establishment in the public section of this fine website? or are you going to start a blog? :D

    oh, by the way... i lost my key last night, and ended up breaking into my caravan to get some sleep... it was bliddy freezing! :blink:

  2. Sorry didn't know it had already been voiced but it must be worth a go................

    So car stickers and tee shirts.... designs please.

    Anyone got any contacts for getting these knocked up?

    Yeah, i have a few places i could get quotes from, but like before, it'll take cash outlay, and i dont think many will come forward to get involved, just like last time!

  3. Go for it GGG.........there is an old saying, a prophet is never recognised in his own country!

    Course there is another way to look at this......why not promote this site more? By that I mean members doing more to get others involved. Maybe even some tee shirts? As you said that would be easier if certain sections of the community recognised the opportunites this site offers but a stick in the eye is rarely ignored!

    :huh:Have you seen this thread malcolm?

  4. hi just thought i would add the thick ide cable only fits one way same as the power cable so you dont have to worry about putting them in the wrong way as thats impossible!

    do not take it to a shop as they will pull your eyes out! ;)

    i dissagree, there are shops out there that are more than honest.

    one in particular in ashington is good with me everytime i go in. i had a 'friend' look at my pc a while ago, which he broke my front usb port somehow.

    i took it there (ashington) and asked him for his opinion, he opened the cover, unplugged the lead from the main board, plugged it into the socket marked 'USB' and said it was free because i was buying some disks at the same time.

    Cant say fairer than that really! Although i do admit, some places are worth avoiding!

  5. i regularly burn cd's that play in normal cd players, not had one fail yet.

    the trick is to make sure its set to burn a music cd, and NOT data, at all the relevant points.

    in addition to blanks question, what cd player are you trying these disks on, and does it play normal 'paid for' disks ok?

  6. On a more general level what you need to produce is known as a "red book" standard CD. This format goes back almost 30 years, and is now also known as IEC 908. That's the only format that is guaranteed to play on any audio CD player ever produced.

    You can't include MP3's or any lossy modern format files on a red book CD unless they are trans-coded back to a raw bit-stream first.

    Essentially red book CDs have a fixed 44100 samples per second of the sound waveform each stored as 16 bit values (64K distinct waveform levels) recorded for each stereo channel. So the constant fixed bit rate is 44100 x 16 x 2 = 1411200 bits per second, even for silent passages where there's no real data. This is horrendously inefficient by modern standards. All of which explains how you can fit countless hours of high quality MP3s etc. on a CD, but an absolute maximum of only 78 minutes of red book audio.


    so...how do you do this?

  7. this is how i do it, but i'm no expert:

    this is based on vista, but should work on xp too.

    open windows media player (WMP).

    click on the 'burn' tab at the top of the display window to switch to the burn menu, then click it again to show the options.

    choose 'audio cd', you may also wish to review the 'more options' link to see if all is set as you require.

    drag and drop files into the right hand column in WMP

    arrange the tracks as you would lick by dragging and dropping them into the order you want them to play.

    insert a blank CD-R

    click 'Burn Now'

    in the more options section mentioned before, i have it set to eject after burn is complete, so with mine, as soon as the disk ejects, its done!

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