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Posts posted by Pencil_Neck

  1. When I lived in Bedlington I couldnt believe how bad it was; but being all the way over here in the land of the rising sun I was devastated when I heard it was gone, I would have wanted to see it one last time.


    Go to bubbles in ashington, it's the same deal

  2. Jonna and Scott had ensconsed themselves in the living room; whether there was any impropriety, I can't say, but they did look particularly satisfied. You make your own mind up.

    I was in the room but dead to the world so I can't add anything else.......

    but my bullet wound was untouched <_<

  3. The post above looks like a Richard Littlejohn column put through an online translation engine.

    The "PC brigade/bragrade" is largely a myth, invented by frothing right-wing journalists. Stories of local authorities "banning" christmas, when checked up on, are usually bogus. Many councils, mindful of the fact that november sees festivals of several different religions, choose to put up non-denominational decorations which are augmented by more specific christmas items in December.

    The "PC brigade" trying to prevent children having their names and photos published in newspapers are human rights lawyers concerned with the power wielded by the popular press which has already encouraged their readers to persecute sex offenders and mobilised angry mobs of "burn the peedoe" vigilantes.

    Incidentally, the ASBO is a measure brought in by the current government, who either are or aren't part of the politically-correct brigade.

    As for smokers' civil liberties, these have to be balanced against those of non-smokers. While I am all for people's rights to engage in any activity they like, no matter how harmful to themself, the right to blow toxic fumes in other people's faces doesn't strike me as a human right worthy of marching on Parliament to protect.

    Bring back the Birch......sorry wrong thread :rolleyes:

  4. :rolleyes: cheers smoggie for mentioning my name on here,much appreciated,he he he!!!! Im gonna miss you both ,even though we still speak on the phone.tell !*!@# I got them green wellies waiting for him if he needs them.till we meet again,goodbye xxx

    It was indeed a strange cast in the Sun <_<

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