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Everything posted by Pencil_Neck

  1. He's better here for the amusement value
  2. It's till August
  3. He's rocking now by that comment
  4. Spouting rubbish as usual
  5. So very tired.....
  6. A nail bar is opening in Newbiggin........also I hear a surf shop.......
  7. King Kong's wedding ring?
  8. Wilt......
  9. At least we improve the gene pool
  10. Erm.....my so called gender is being ****ed over by these folks.......you & 3G seem happy to let it ride........waste of bloody space...... Keep off the bloody vodka petal
  11. yep my shaved ass-crack
  12. No...........the soap
  13. Yes, I had a very good turd before; had to feed it greens to coax it out......otters nose
  14. Simple!
  15. My mood never changed.....keep up.....I couldn't give a toss if Miss V or 3G likes Monsta; I think the person is a ****-**** & a *-****!!!!!......
  16. Thanks, I'd delete me...............you're OK (Mrs PN reports)
  17. No thank you anyhow
  18. Big ups........I'm wasn't upset.....testing whether the moderator likes Monsta And Miss Vic doesn't.......keep up the sterling work
  19. Why then do the moderators remove certain things & not others.....? Is it OK to call me a !*!@# ; it is left & I call him an idiot; the post is removed! Double standards. Monsta is a bigot, pure & simple.......albeit a racist, sexist, etc.....an IQ of pre-cum!! Lawyers, next anyone...............
  20. JR is a basic throw back to Tebbit......not to be missed
  21. Large shoes.....
  22. Monkey Dust
  23. Not bad, 7.2
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