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Everything posted by Pencil_Neck

  1. Naw, Alnwick is dull. Denzel's loved up
  2. As a Colonel, I thought you fought for Queen & country.......?
  3. She was stumped out
  4. All the best young fella
  5. Which boozer do you have in mind?
  6. Sun, North, Railway are good boozers
  7. I was Dicko
  8. It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book. F.N.
  9. !*!@# ......
  10. "Bowling for Columbine"......enough said
  11. Swish........I'm in tonight
  12. "little auld me" Well done Ms Hair
  13. Get the nurse one out.........pretty please
  14. "they"...........crivens.....banal in the extreme!! That's it for me.......bye
  15. Back in the day............you didn't wear uniforms Even now
  16. I stand corrected all the time......my place is well defined in the relationship Foolish child......back of the class. Obviously, geography & social pecking orders aren't your strong points
  17. so poor
  18. Best wishes
  19. you'll fit in then.......get down to Bedlington Bears
  20. Nee diving in front of traffic (or horses) to get attention....get the dishes done
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