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Everything posted by Sw@lnalla

  1. Too true Joe, there are too many Monsta's who make excuses, plenty lip service and no action. Typical
  2. Try proving the existence of a deity, that could be very lucrative, ...lol..... another hoax.
  3. Could be right Pete, the Irish and West Indians are doing the job over in Mackem land.
  4. Very eloquent.....lol “Good people will do good things, and bad people will do bad things. But for good people to do bad things — that takes religion.” ~ Steve Weinburg “If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities.” ~ Voltaire
  5. The world is overpopulated, hence too much methane produced by the animals needed to feed them. Reduce the human population by whatever means and that could significantly reduce global warming, stop eating beans would also help, or shoot them ......lol
  6. Cheers threegee, I appreciate your effort.
  7. Barrington was a separate colliery and village. http://www.dmm.org.uk/colliery/b035.htm Very little of it remains although I have seen some relevant local publications in my local newsagents recently. Opposite Nettos?..... Barrington ......... Toony
  8. Go for it.... You have the tool, can you use it?
  9. We look forward to your contribution Monsta.... PS.... Irfanview
  10. I fancy the toon need a Mighty One.
  11. How about giving us a choice of background colours for the albums, I'd be happy with black.....
  12. The smaller images look terrible when increased to almost full screen.
  13. I have a feeling your comment will not be understood around here Joe.
  14. There are many 'great bustards' in Bedlington Pete, without feathers.
  15. Get a !*!@#, they 'purr' when petted.
  16. I like the 'birdie' pix Pete.
  17. Only to view Threegees wonderful pix, I can't get it to work with my junk at all. {Even a pic of less than 40kb.}
  18. As I remember, his bulb wasn't too bright.
  19. Or a Polish sausage, maybe even a tasty kolbasa, in Bedlington.....lol
  20. Probably an old kiln..... used as a pissoir until the council blocked it. http://www.pitwork.net/terrymcbedl.htm
  21. The Christians seem to be nonplussed...... lol
  22. Tez would have to be some kind of idiot to come back to this....... http://www.myspaceedits.com/graphics/funny.../fb9b9e8815.jpg
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