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Everything posted by Sw@lnalla

  1. A dangerous 'him'. typically selfish and uncaring perhaps?
  2. I know the 'place', seen the signs, and ...... an illegally parked beetle
  3. Next door to Billie the gas fitter?
  4. Photoshop can produce amazing pics even in the hands of a novice. The word 'Sucker' comes to mind.
  5. Been there, done that and worked 12 years of solid night shift. Unappreciated of course, and she has the house I worked for..
  6. Cheesy? 4 Monsta, the mash ....lol
  7. Part 3 Does the sphincter, deep fried, make a good doughnut?
  8. The Literati have finally arrived, hurray! not the clients Fuggles are looking for perhaps, and possibly too late to taste 'Ruperts Balls.
  9. I've always been of the opinion that living in Leicester can be detrimental.
  10. Some people, like monsta and myself don't articulate too well. but we do recognize "Turds in Action".....lol
  11. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=gilf+ Isn't Denzel a little darling.
  12. Thank you for the warning missdarn.
  13. Expensive and tasteless kettle cooked chips/crisps, they wouldn't go down well in the uk. Horrible.
  14. Toony techniques don't work in Bedlington.
  15. Incredible. from the Locke hall to Petes pecker.
  16. -Your priest must be proud of you. The perfect godparent
  17. How stinky Are you snob or snot?
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