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lilbill15 last won the day on September 2 2021

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About lilbill15

  • Birthday 01/06/1957

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  1. Nope, can’t find “poll”. Please just accept my nomination for Canny Lass.
  2. Canny Lass for 2021 Piper award (sorry, can’t find voting form). xxR
  3. Thank you very much 😁🌈x
  4. Has Aldi opened yet, please? x
  5. Sorry, I have no idea who manages it x
  6. Hey @Malcolm Robinson! This small town has several pubs/inns/restaurants, two dress shops, a tantalising shoeshop, butcher, purveyor of fish game and produce, plus many other services, including tourist information. And a railway station. Maybe Bedlington needs to reevaluate it’s status and facilities, particularly with the possible reintroduction of rail links. R🌈xxx
  7. Haltwhistle has a population approximately a quarter of Bedlington. Think on 💭R🌈xx
  8. Yoohoo everyone! I’m having a little holiday near Haltwhistle 😁x I saw this and thought of you:-R🌈xxxxxxx
  9. I’m not sure if these trees have been subsequently pruned- all but one are neatly cut off at the top, only one with a ragged edge where it’s been ?snapped. Did the council tidy them up? Odd that those on the other side of the path are unscathed so far.
  10. Just a note that my friend took her Dyson to this gentleman in Bedlington for assessment and repair but was given it back with a vital part missing. Something wrong when it went in rendered totally useless on return. The “manager?”, hostile and not customer friendly. Will not be using this shop ever again.
  11. Yup, that’s exactly the spot. Looks like it was policy to plant trees on all the old colliery sites. All of Me’nMax’s favourite local walks were once pits and their raas: positive thoughts Rx
  12. Strong arguments all round on this subject. It seems pertinent that those opining what Bedlington doesn’t need left the town a while ago and those advocating for community leisure provision are current residents. I grew up, went to school, made long term friends in Bedlington, but left to train and followed my career far from here, only returning after retirement. Happy to return to a quiet community with access to green spaces, woods, rivers, beaches and limited facilities suits my needs. HOWEVER, it’s been made very obvious in my 3 1/2 years here, mainly from Facebook group reports, that roaming gangs of disaffected youths have no social hub (Bedlington East Community Centre did set aside an evening I believe). In my short time back here I’ve seen a huge increase in housing being built where there used to be fields but no matching growth in what should be the heart of the town. I see facilities for mums and babies/toddlers and then pubs and restaurants but there’s nothing that I’m aware of for a large section of this community who fall in between. It’s not fair to be moaning on Facebook that “ they’re at it again’ ‘the police are moving them’ ‘ they’re heading to the woods!’”. Surely a strong community should provide for ALL of it’s constituent parts @MalcolmRobinson !. Otherwise it’s possible that Bedlington will continue to be a place where people grow up and leave? I see a lot of bricks and mortar but little in the way of the strong foundations that a sturdy community needs. A lot of us are keenly interested in Bedlington’s history but we do need to support those who are striving to create this town’s future.
  13. @Canny lass no, not euphemism- referring to her GIF attached to his post, a man with a tic which looks a lot like a very pronounced wink, is all 😁x
  14. I’m generally rummaging through posts I’ve not seen before and I’m struck by the references to additional names but more specifically initials being added and removed. My family experience is of father son and grandson all bearing the same Christian name, son was differentiated by adding the diminutive “ie” to his name, on maturity he lost the “ie”, then went on to marry and gave his son the same name again, but added his wife’s father’s name plus the name of the godfather. Despite this group of names for many years the grandson additionally carried the word “junior “ to avoid confusion with the older men of the same name. Again the junior was dropped on maturity. I’m wondering if the same sort of practice was more general and involved females, maybe the J that seems to be a very common addition is an abbreviation of junior? Probably not, just a thought 🌈x
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