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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. sorry know idea what your on about! must be the clegg effect!
  2. i'm anticipating nick clegg to get ran over or was that hoping!
  3. the flumps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1mMQtk3IUE
  4. one thing stood out tonight vote lib dem and he'll throw away are nukes and tell the yanks to go forth and multiply! not a good idea with north korea and iran hating us! p.s why do you agree with nick? god help us if he gets in!
  5. they only want to keep the addresses secret incase a load of egg throwing hippys turn up! what that seems to achieve apart from them looking like a load of deranged baffoons!
  6. 2001 I but know one started to come till after 2004! so whats the real percentage? 20% 30%
  7. sure they didn't look bigger as you where smaller? i it will now be the smell of kangaroos cooking on the bbq!
  8. i there was a white one and an orange one
  9. the raisbeck bus or even the little minibuses
  10. wey thats 100 more than you!
  11. Monsta®


    well done http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YO9T0w-9fsQ
  12. and the lib dems want to join the euro!
  13. getting chased by wadie for pinching his snaggies! (chased by the local farmer for stealing swedes!) pops mobile shop and setting the woods on fire!
  14. labour party is in denial! the immigration mp said that immigration was on the decline. what !*!@# planet does he live on? or is his head that far up his own !*!@# he just cant see the truth? david cameron is a monkey he wants to set a limit. well it better be no more than single figures. as for the lib dems they can all get on the next plane to iceland, the one that flies straight through the ash cloud! they said lets send the immigrants where there wanted i.e. up north! hold on nee one wants them up here! so they can just keep them down there in london!
  15. come again? thats whoosh straight over my head!
  16. wey thats what you get for living in deadlington! its just gone down hill where it stops no one knows. deadlington comes fourth after ashington and newbiggin, and no thats not a mistake its deadlington is always last on the list!
  17. the millbank allotments have just been on fire, apparently a green house caught fire and it had a acetylene bottle in it that exploded!
  18. talk about health and saftey overdose! they say the planes engines will clog up like the one over the philippines did, the only thing is that plane went straight through a dense plume not the dispersed stuff over the uk. anyway good luck if your trying to get away!
  19. what a load of bulls dangly bits! it was like watching trained chimps at the zoo! remind you of anything! one thing, made me more certain that they'll definitly not be getting my vote!
  20. no idea giz a clue?
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