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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. and another thing why do pubs need punch bags? are they trying to encourage violence?
  2. thing is the people who don't smoke stay in cos there friends that do smoke don't want to go out and stand about in the lashing rain smoking! then the pubs become empty and every one else doesn't bother! it was more than five years! it became a chav hole as soon as the palace shut! and it got its late licence! it was even stinking long before that, i can remember playing pool there on there uneven sticky board!
  3. 2hrs 37m 26s bets theres a big hike in motoring! unless you've got an electric car!
  4. even if they did ban tabacco people would still smoke, the only difference is the criminals would be cashing in not the goverment.
  5. how much do you think things will be put up this time by that thunderbird look alike darling! petrol up buy a quid, tabs and beer up a quid and road tax up 50% fat greedy bas...... ps. how on earth has he got black eyebrows and grey hair?
  6. what a dorty charv hole! with a punch ball in the corner! now thats history! doubt it even the clubs are suffering! its not just the price of beer its the smoking ban etc that doomed the pubs! as most alchies smoke, do the math stop at home and smoke your sell to death with a drink or freeze out side at an over priced pub!
  7. don't bother joining the site won't update? so a think scrap the league! (email sent to support team if nowt happens its scrapped and they can keep tha.....)
  8. kennel club bunch or inbreeders! why do you think the bbc told crufts to do one! get a mongle!
  9. so no more making mr hankies youngins! kids should have classes at school on not playin with !*!@#! and why should i train me dog to !*!@# in me flower bed? thats what the council roses are for! i do agree with the use of rubbish bins for rubbish only people who pick up dog !*!@# should either tek it home or put it in a !*!@# bin like the ones down the woods! or just leave it where it drops!
  10. is it not the forum moto "come as guests, stay as family!"
  11. splendid the public hate button was removed!
  12. as if i would do that?
  13. got one from me two! like i said minus 12!
  14. what makes you think they wouldn't hang around the market place? kids always hang about its what they do! wether they've got leisure centre, youth clubs or mc'ds! they need to teach the kids to to reck the place not say "argh they got nen where to gan!"
  15. you honestly think they'll have time to reply? they've got to book there holidays, pick there next new car and fit in a round of golf! while rubbing there hands together while checking there bank accounts!
  16. nowt rang with leaving where it drops! rather than bagging it in a plastic bag that wont decompose for decades and then slinging it into a tree!
  17. they'll be getting some kind of grant money to opperate no doubt! why is it run by volunteers? could they not hire people there trying to help?
  18. fixed it! made a new league join and search for monstaf1 and click on join league!
  19. unless they've raised the drinking age to 35!
  20. why do we need a map its a straight road? its not exactly the metro centre!
  21. already have its Monstas-league you need to search for it! and request to join
  22. not as good as five stars!
  23. is he over the hill al tek will not finish!
  24. lets face it we got the choice of dumb, dumber and dumby!
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