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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. here's a Link you might find useful Mercury-g
  2. Actually it was named after a spanish ranch! with a herd of angry bulls who would attack you if you looked at them the wrong way! so its got nowt to do with beauty. The Green snot rides agian! those head lights reminds me of something! something ugly! oh and gumpert means nothing its just someones second name Roland Gumpert, former Director of Audi Sport
  3. well obviously! it wont cook if its not boiling! and yes lobster is better alive you dont want any of that frozen crap. plus if its dead how can you tell how long its been dead for. for those who think boiling lobster alive is cruel can stab the critter through the head with a sharp knife before hand!
  4. take one two pound lobster (1kg), one large pot of salted water throw in lobster boil for 15 mins leave to cool eat with a little butter and pepper!
  5. sure does and saves on the washing up or the time taken for putting dishes in dashwasher
  6. and you call my car ugly!!! aston martin one-77 just sucks and the lambo miura that looks like it was designed by homer simpson!
  7. no you should not as you have mentioned the two unpicked cups have pennys under them! so obviously you have already won!
  8. open packet of 12 frozen yorkshire puddings, throw in oven for 4 mins take out and eat!
  9. wey you could put your cheese pastie in the stottie as long as you dont use "i cant believe its marg"
  10. Bit of a sham! seeing the vote was so one sided and fixed! i can say it is true (by default) that bedlington.co.uk is a queer place! with its huffy mods etc! you know who you are :lol: "its my league you cant play!" please ones self! one thing if you dont agree with the mods they surely will "delete your post" even if its not offensive etc!
  11. its more fun going along the sides! or doing pull ups in the middle! :lol: av see idoits climbing up the supports but never fancied it myself!
  12. nah greggs mince pies are liftin! rather lick the scum from the toilet rim! :lol:
  13. what exactly is your point apart from thinking you know everything about everything! you still haven't supplied your idea of a supercar even though you have rattled on about being this know it all about supercars blah blah b.o.l.l.icks. unless you can supply a super car shut the **** up!
  14. thats a gastronomic distaster! greggs pastie!, hovis! and the use of "i cant believe its not butter"! maybe if you had said a home made cheddar cheese pastie between a two slices of finest farmhouse bloomer and a liberal spreading of real unsalted butter!
  15. what sort of english mustard do you use? i use colmans and that has a lot more "twang" than any pickle even the acidic cheap ones!
  16. Gumpert Apollo Fantastic!
  17. You put mustard on ham! thats blasphemy! mustard is for beef not ham, ham needs pickle and cheese or a nice apple sauce. suppose you use mince beef in your shepards pies?
  18. lets hope its not more hairdressers, estate agents or solicitors!
  19. I love windows 7 miles better than vista or xp, ok it has one or two compatability problems but its fast, smooth and looks great. and since i was a beta tester i got a coupon for money off! ghosting its a way off making an exact copy of your hard drive so saving time on installs and comes from the norton ghost series. only i prefer other versions such as acronis etc. 14.99 and you have a reason to complain! you couldn't send 4 post cards for that!
  20. and thats why i hate xp!
  21. since when is ghosting a legal copy illegal! think you just jumped to the conclusion that i meant why buy when you can steal! when i didn't i meant just ghost the operating system already installed to save buying a copy of xp! there are some good ghosting software just don't use norton argh! must be all that sun your getting on your 14.99 holiday!
  22. what you've wasted 6 hours for what? how much space did you actually manage to free up and was it actually worth the 6 hours off your life? sounds like skin flint syndrome! why buy another copy of xp just ghost it!
  23. ACL AccessControl List ADC Analog-to-DigitalConverter ADF AutomaticDocument Feeder ADSL AsymmetricDigital Subscriber Line AGP AcceleratedGraphics Port AIFF AudioInterchange File Format AIX AdvancedInteractive Executive ANSI AmericanNational Standards Institute API ApplicationProgram Interface ARP AddressResolution Protocol ASCII AmericanStandard Code for Information Interchange ASP ActiveServer Page or Application Service Provider ATA AdvancedTechnology Attachment ATM AsynchronousTransfer Mode BASIC Beginner'sAll-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code Bcc BlindCarbon Copy BIOS BasicInput/Output System Blob Binary LargeObject BMP Bitmap CAD Computer-AidedDesign Cc CarbonCopy CCD ChargedCoupled Device CD Compact Disc CD-R Compact DiscRecordable CD-ROM CompactDisc Read-Only Memory CD-RW Compact DiscRe-Writable CDMA Code DivisionMultiple Access CGI CommonGateway Interface CISC ComplexInstruction Set Computing CLOB CharacterLarge Object CMOS ComplementaryMetal Oxide Semiconductor CMYK Cyan 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SymmetricDigital Subscriber Line SEO SearchEngine Optimization SERP Search EngineResults Page SIMM Single In-LineMemory Module SKU StockKeeping Unit SLI ScalableLink Interface SMART Self-MonitoringAnalysis And Reporting Technology SMB ServerMessage Block SMS Short MessageService SMTP Simple MailTransfer Protocol SNMP Simple NetworkManagement Protocol SO-DIMM SmallOutline Dual In-Line Memory Module SOA ServiceOriented Architecture SOAP Simple ObjectAccess Protocol SQL StructuredQuery Language SRAM Static RandomAccess Memory sRGB Standard RedGreen Blue SSH Secure Shell SSID Service SetIdentifier SSL SecureSockets Layer TCP/IP TransmissionControl Protocol/Internet Protocol TFT Thin-FilmTransistor TIFF TaggedImage File Format TTL Time ToLive TWAIN Toolkit WithoutAn Informative Name UDDI UniversalDescription Discovery and Integration UDP User DatagramProtocol UML UnifiedModeling Language UNC UniversalNaming Convention UPnP Universal Plugand Play UPS UninterruptiblePower Supply URI UniformResource Identifier URL UniformResource Locator USB UniversalSerial Bus VCI VirtualChannel Identifier VFAT Virtual FileAllocation Table VGA VideoGraphics Array VLB VESA LocalBus VLE VirtualLearning Environment VoIP Voice OverInternet Protocol VPI VirtualPath Identifier VPN VirtualPrivate Network VRAM Video RandomAccess Memory VRML Virtual RealityModeling Language WAIS Wide AreaInformation Server WAN Wide AreaNetwork WEP WiredEquivalent Privacy Wi-Fi WirelessFidelity WPA Wi-FiProtected Access WWW World Wide Web XHTML ExtensibleHypertext Markup Language XML ExtensibleMarkup Language XSLT ExtensibleStyle Sheet Language Transformation Y2K Year 2000 ZIF ZeroInsertion Force worm memory used in police cameras
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