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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. wey thats good had a error message and its posted the topic three times! :lol:
  2. he done it, he was convicted and the soft scots let him go! stop going on about conspiracies iran! what utter nonsense! next you'll be blaming the IRA, the BNP, the peoples front of judea or guy fawkes. and another thing they should fetch back capital punishment save all the arguments.
  3. well said! and your point being?
  4. read this over priced over rated now over heating and exploding! the taliban have ordered 10 thousand
  5. no wait there is a weak story behind call of duty and you have to shoot nazi and japs etc where as guitar twanga you rythmically press buttons in time with the music kinda like those monkey do for nasa! push the button get a nut :lol::lol:
  6. why the Beatles? which younguns actually listen to or want to be the beatles unless its some other band doing a beatles cover! still these guitar games are surely getting deperate whats next rock band cliff richard or guitar hero jimmy shand! a mean what actual difference is there between the multiple titles of rock band/ guitar hero anyway they all look the same to me.
  7. in Megrahi's case should it not be guilty until proven innocent? as he has already being convicted! Must be al that sun and figs that makes them middle eastern lot al gan mad
  8. Stupid question but why are dongles called dongles?
  9. I hate cricket thank the lord the BBC dropped it!
  10. no not here the postmans quite honest! and where do you buy your bunch of cocks from? That online auction site that is in no way as good as Free Bedlington.co.uk Classifieds?
  11. What a load of Sh*te he was found guilty there for he should serve his term otherwise whats the point in the justice system? conspiracies are your one of them that say it was the U.S that flew two planes into the twin towers and it was a rocket not a plane that hit the pentagon. or even better it was a controlled demolition. and he did get a heroes welcome and behind doors he'll be sitting laughing his !*!@# off at the soft scottish legal system while getting a big fat medal of colonel gaddafi for services to his regime.
  12. so how many british and american terrorists do you know? if any did they kill 200+ civilians i don't think so. suppose you would let those behind the 7/7 bombings and the 9/11 bombing go home to? mein kampf hilters book about killing jews etc plus its in german
  13. calm your self! a just mean you can keep in touch just the mobile network for internet connection is the scam of the century for example you said 02 is £7 a week so thats £28 a month for 3gb WHAT do they insert fishing hooks in your eyes when you buy the dongle? so they can pull them out. sorry i prefer unlimited usage for 9.99 a month so what i cant carry it round the streets but i leave the house to get away from the p.c and take in the freah air! mmmm
  14. that's funny cause he got a heroes welcome! cause he done it him and some other member of libians secret army. he should have be left to rot in a cell. i just dont get this compationate release stuff any way, if some one murders someone they sure dont give the victim any compation. so basically what the uk money fiddling members of parliment have done is let a convicted terrorist go to secure trade links with the libians as the libians have an enourmous oil field! pity its rubbing up are nearest allies the wrong way.
  15. de la soul - three its the magic number!
  16. would it not just be cheaper to use you computer/ laptop/ netbook when you get home! save up the money for new eye straining net books!
  17. would be nice if the people who votes for others to actually say who!
  18. Here dont blame me a just noted a few from This site so if you have a problem take it up with them!
  19. Argh so thats what they where doing!!! a thought it was the sequel to my lovely horse
  20. replica shirts! here why doesn't bedlington.co.uk sponsor the terriers? sure we could have a whip round! now theres an idea!
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