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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. this coming from run DMC so extremists can get away with what there doing cause if we say out they can shout racist! double standards well said threegee! as long as your a muslim your king of the world!
  2. mr wilder who only wanted to debate the matter has been banned from entering the uk why? if this had been a muslim they there would have been riots, burning the union jack and threats of bombs by extremists! and the government would have "turned a blind eye" saying its a matter of free speech! this is a sad sad country watch the film it makes sense and its not racist only highlighting the ways of extremists!
  3. look man the economy is knackered! because of think headed mp's and greedy fn Wan sorry bankers. and it propabably wont be fixed for a long time to come as these Mp's are so magnolia and unwilling to take a risk!
  4. what you mean him/her? am not a cross dresser like mr darn!
  5. Your suppost to follow the last post? Share Rapidshare!
  6. we need a leader with bottle, someone who can say no to the eu, america etc some one who stands up for the average british person! an alf garnet clone
  7. do you suffer from schizophrenia as you think your black and funny?
  8. why have we got such a dummy for a prime minister? he's been the worst on since that major. saying that there's not much choice its either brown, cameron or ming the merciless no ming cambell.. nick griffin for prime minister! or kilroy! or alf garnet!
  9. nor but st georges is free for the mentally unstable sure they'll have a padded cell going!
  10. you have got to weigh up the two sides. 1 brain dead i watch sh*te on the telly and vote cause am sad! or 2 stressed out and angry with the elected parties politics and have no life. which one are you closer to?
  11. Monsta®

    Windows 7

    not yet might do that now! why do all new operating systems look alike? lets hope they keep the cost down!!! no vista ultimate prices..
  12. Monsta®

    Windows 7

    see there's a beta version out http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-7/default.aspx looks fimiliar? apple crossed with windows? should be called windows cheetah! i like the touch screen and lets hope its a bit more conpatable that vista!!!!
  13. its this country! it's run by knackers
  14. That online auction site that is in no way as good as Free Bedlington.co.uk Classifieds
  15. sorry like but i find it hard to understand why being a member of the BNP is such a bad thing? do british muslims who are part of pro-muslim groups get thrown out of there jobs? ok the BNP has a checkered past but so does the koran and its multiple interpretations. this country has gone to the dogs we no longer rules the waves we now just say sorry and bend over for every one! meks you sick. like this Goolywog (misspelt on purpose!) lark i grew up with the goolywog on the roberston jar and thought nowt of it until some coloured person made a scene about it and now its "racist" more like B*llicks.
  16. as long as there not illegal immigrant live stock with there own scannable passport you'll be fine and googles always watching!
  17. re-live what? is gordon going to massacre us all? he will be known as gordon the gruesome
  18. aye only one groat and a turnip and you can drive (by horse) home P*ssed
  19. i and you could smoke your tabs in the inns and taverns. mind you would need to watch out for the dreaded black death!
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