No one wants a nuclear plant on their doorstep, but they have to be built somewhere. If it was built 100 miles away, would anyone here complain then? No... but at the end of the day, nuclear is the way things are going. If you don't like it, write to Gordon Brown. It doesn't matter whether it's a nuclear plant, coal plant, sea turbines or wind farms theres always people who will complain. I remember watching the news a while ago, some toffs were complaining about a planned wind farm being built on some hills on the horizon - which they could see from their windows. They lived in the middle of nowhere, it was a small community. Anyway, their reasons for objecting was "When we look at them for a period of time, we get dizzy" and "Ohhh it will devalue our homes". I bet they were more than happy for them to be plonked somewhere else though. !*!@# idiots.