It was,nt that clear then was it And your also wrong if you "think" they dont want alternative fuels because believe me it will be treat as ANOTHER source of income for them. I also said the that the pharmaceutical companies had CURES for disease,s which they did,nt want to introduce because of the financial implications. Alternative medicines have been practiced for centuries and there are arguments for and against. I,m not as informed as you appear to be with regards to the medical bodies future plans with regards to alternative medicines, however having walked around the Metro Center in the past and being accosted by Chinese looking individuals who have ancient cures for all sorts of ailments which I dont suffer from, makes me think registering bonafide herbalist,s etc is,nt such a bad idea its about credentials and peace of mind. Oh and I have used accupuncture in the past to great effect and I prefer not to take medication unless absolutly neccessary so to an extent I,m an advocate of alternative medicine.