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Everything posted by Merlin

  1. Merlin


    Nowt really just bored!
  2. Gypo's get everywhere,lock up ya bairns
  3. YYYYEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS I'm off the bottom!(no crass remarks monsta,Iknow you can't help yourself)
  4. Merlin


    Turn ya lights oot, turn up ya volume an watch very closely
  5. Merlin


    let us think.. hhhmmmmmmmmmmm,,,,,is tha a dummy involved here....or...or...or thigh lenghth kinky boots
  6. Merlin


    found some vids on u tube of the questionable ladies,but Malcolm I just couldn't put them on here could I???
  7. Merlin


    Viz is 30yrs old,where have the years gone Anyway heres a few tips from viz RAPPERS: Avoid having to say: "Know what I'm sayin'" all the time by actually speaking clearly in the first place. SHOES last twice as long if only worn every other day. SINGLE MEN: Convince people you have a girlfriend by standing outside Topshop with bags of shopping, looking at your watch and occasionally glancing inside. EMPLOYEES: Only use the loo at work. Not only will you save money on toilet paper, but you'll also be getting paid. SCROOGES: Save money at Christmas by returning last year's cards to the sender with the simple inscription "Same to you". MICRA DRIVERS: Attach a lighted sparkler to the roof of your car before starting a long journey. You drive the thing like a sodding dodgem car anyway. ANGLERS: Attach a helium balloon to your line and bait the hook with an acorn. Then sit under a tree and "fish" for squirrels. An upturned laundry basket would make an ideal keep-net, but don't forget to throw the squirrels back into the tree at the end of the day. SINGLE MEN: Get a glimpse of married life by taping Woman's Hour on Radio 4, then playing it back at a higher volume than the TV while trying to watch something on Discovery Wings. TIGHT-ARSED blokes: Only date girls called Natalie, Carol, Holly or Eve. Chances are their birthday is around Christmas and you won't have to shell out for a present until then, by which time they will have chucked you. Some fond memories of this superb publication Busta Gonad to mention but one! Controvertial and to the bone,anyone got any memories?
  8. My My stooping to name calling well I never
  9. My uncle and many thousands like him fought and died in WWII.He fought for this country and paid the ultimate price,to give you and me,miss vic,a way of life free from tyrants,dictators and facism! It is an insult to him and the many thousands like him,for people in this country to defend other nationalities who come to this country to attack and undermine the fabric of our society, that he gave his life to defend! These people come here for a better way of life.If they wanted to live as before they would have stayed where they were.Sadly not all do! Ultimatly the decent law abiding ethnic minorities among us are as sick and tired as we are about the rantings and ravings of the likes of cleric Choudry and his clan. If Labour the Tories or Democrats(if thats what you call them now) would make a stand against Choudry and his chums,this country would not need the likes of Griffin and he would drift off into the realms of history. Unfortunatly they will not or can not because they have let this matter drift too far down the line for change! The government and opposition must now realise that something must be done and done quickly, because with no one else prepared to tackle this problem the people in this country will vote BNP and THAT must NEVER be allowed to happen. We need some one to address the problem of immigration and race hate preachers on BOTH sides,or this country will slide into conflict. I for one do not look forward to that! But like my uncle I will fight for my country, I will fight to give my daughters a way of life where they can walk the streets free from tyrants, dictators and burkas. If this makes me a racist then so be it! One more thing miss vic,when Choudry and his clan do win power,and they have you kneeling on the centre spot, at The Terriers ground, for having the audacity to have a pint in the Tavern, don't say you weren't warned
  10. Merlin

    The Bill

    Does anybody watch this? I've watched for years and am a fed up with the new format of the show, its just not the same! I know this sounds like a pun but, Bring back The Old Bill
  11. Theres a building down church lane called The Tower,don't know if this is of interest to you,but there again you probably already knew about it!
  12. Cheers and I would like to say thankyou to...................... Not doing too well this month but early days
  13. Might be them pesky aliens again Malcolm! But, more than likely, it'll be some chav twoc'n a car
  14. well done that man!!! Still look pretty dangerous though! Protection for the stones but sod the public!!!!!!!
  15. not big enuff for railings!They look like a decorative feature!
  16. On further scrutiny they are screwed into place,so I would say they are a permanent fixture. Watch out the new cooncil, compen claims in abundance heading your way! Photo tomorrow to see what you think!
  17. too many long words in Malcolm! I thought you would av gest that am not ejucatd enuff for all them. But never mind you know where I'm coming from...............Bedlington of course
  18. Has anybody else noticed the death traps they have incorperated into the stones in their feature outside Tesco? I'm on about the stainless steel protruding plates they have placed between the top stones of the wall.A danger to joe public or what?
  19. Merlin


    Did you not mean Harold Shipman?
  20. Intellegence? Open mindedness? Fairness? What????? The divide between us and the so called people in power is vast and I mean vast! Nobody in power has the balls to stand up to these people. Sharia law has no place in this country, if they want sharia law they know where to find it! And its not on the streets of this country. End Of!!!!!!! Rascism in this country.... NEVER....................... we are all treated the same........................... aren't we...........................
  21. So the Tories would be better eh!
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