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Everything posted by Merlin

  1. Your starter for ten. Name them all! :D
  2. How about Am Bumph Griper and V. Crims :lol: :lol:
  3. Scooby Doo and Shaggy too :lol:
  4. 4G.You're on about when they on their scooters. Good at the time, but seen it on Dave 20 times since then! Monsta, Ted 'The Count' Hankey needs to be there if only to get the crowd going, the most hated man on the darts circuit :lol:
  5. And what venue had you in mind, may I ask?
  6. Bad news for you guys, just been to the focal point of gossip in Bedders(Watsons)and one of the contractors was in for his papers and he says that the school won't be open till mid to late January :lol: Good Luck
  7. How can they come up with £76-100k to run this building? Are they pushing other losses on to this building to justify getting rid? Now if you want someone to run said community centre, then I would suggest a bit of poaching! Get the person who runs GuidePost community centre, you can virtually guarantee that there is something going on there every day or night for and involving the people of the community! Also one big point about GuidePost community centre is that the local people USE it!
  8. Rip that down aswell, never needed it in the first place.
  9. What! You had marital arts sessions in the community centre, then you went upstairs for other things, how much does it cost, where can I book, I'll have a bit of that
  10. I know it's all repeats but are there any shows that you are looking forward to over the festive season? For me its not xmas till I've seen A Xmas Carol, any or all of them! Then there is the World Championship of Darts over the New Year, fantastic!
  11. This is great! I've learnt so much by reading your posts, I knew very little about this subject except that to make batteries and dispose of them is more harmful than the ICE. Keep it up I want to learn more and eventually make my own mind up.Cheers
  12. You don't talk nonsense mercuryg! Thats my job :lol: And, Darn and Romantic in the same sentence..................
  13. Won't we be getting these with the proposed new Tesco development and if so will new shops be able to compete?
  14. or the community centre or or or the law courts
  15. Malcolm i bet that carrots make their back pockets bulge more than the cash WDC got :blink:
  16. So, I'll still have to wait for the knock on the door at the dead of night,from the men in low brimmed hats and trenchcoats? :o
  17. 10/1 they knock it down and build 200 houses on the site
  18. Maybe the fuddy duddies will see the way forward, but I doubt it I for one hope they get the chance to give it ago, but remember you will have to help them give it a go by walking in off the street and using the place, that is of course if the scran is up to scratch So thats upstairs. Whats down stairs? Luigi's Hair Emporium :lol:
  19. But that was the problem! To moderate is to moderate,personal preferences and views should not be a factor when moderating! Having right of centre views or left of centre views should not come into it when moderating! Moderators should not edit or remove posts just because it goes against their views, this was happening and we were decending into a dictatorship.That is what got peoples backs up, especially mine! The content and mood of this site has improved beyond recognition, as I have said before, views have been expressed lately and nobody has complained or been upset! The banter is great in fact it's a pleasure to be here But don't worry I'm sure that there will still be a few arguments to spice things up.......I hope! :lol: Oh! And people, keep up the good work!
  20. If they adult enough and no time for site then they should not be mods! No I haven't got anyone in mind and certainly not me! Doom and gloom again "life may have dealt a more demanding hand" if they ain't got time for the site they should not be mods with priviliges! And I certainly did not mean they should be kicked off the site! The more the merrier :lol:
  21. Merlin


    Get the snow back! Stop whinging your like a couple of scrooges :blink:
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