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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. Mustn`t be the same one then..the lad i`m on about has lived in Guidepost for years, until he moved to Bedlington anyway..i think he`s a member here actually, if not i know his sister is. He`s recently had a heart operation and i`m sure he`ll not mind me saying `Get Well Soon!`
  2. That house on the end, the one standing out, i used to live there It was a bliddy cold place that, i don`t think the council have done anything to them houses in years..saying that, most of the houses there are owned now. Still a nice place though, great if you like to watch football, you just have to look out the window to watch the match.
  3. Another game was swinging as high as you could then jumping off the swings and seeing how far you could get..it was a proper ankle crippeler, i sprained my ankle badly doing that It got me off P.E for a couple of weeks though Eeee, i was a right Tomboy, that`s what you get for being the only girl in the family i suppose.
  4. Pardon me for asking Gadgy, but you don`t happen to be or know a Mr Alex Swailes do you? Very fond memories of the old dog
  5. Are you on about this Barry Jones? , maybe not coz he`s originally from Guidepost way but he`s the same age as you i think? Excellent drawer he is..
  6. Well, if they did get up to anything on that beach it`s only right that they were locked up. It`s the laws of that country and they should of abided by the laws... At the same time, if anyone comes to this country, they should abide by our laws or face the consequences. That`s the way it`s meant to work anyway, but it doesn`t always work like that..not in the UK anyway. It mentions in that article that they were drinking..i thought it was illegal to drink there? Or is it just at certain times of the day?
  7. :lol: The kids will have that green one turned into a lantern on Halloween
  8. So did i, there used to be a competion who could do the most trips across the monkey bars without falling off, the best i got was 21, my hands looked like i`d grated them with a cheese grater by the end..and i only came 2nd
  9. Hardly persecution 3g but funny anyway
  10. Aye that`s right, he`d dangle his conkers to get their attention
  11. That slide is different to the slide that used to be there, the old slide had a hump half way down it, i used to go down it on a Warburtons bread packet, it used to grease the slide..when you hit the hump you`d take off I didn`t half hurt when you landed like
  12. I don`t remember seeing it used at all although it must of been used at one time and i don`t know why it was demolished either, maybe it was unsafe due to too many youngins climbing on it`s roof
  13. I can remember the church, or was it a Chapel? It got knocked down years ago..and the conker trees around the church area are the best conker trees in the cemetery, i still go to see if i can find the biggest one
  14. Are you saying that if new members don`t post they`ll be banned? A lot of folk join just so they can read the forums and since some parts of the forums are members only they don`t have a lot of choice but to join..but it doesn`t mean they`re spammers? You can spot the spammers a mile off by their ip`s, emails and names, so why don`t you just block them straight away then leave the legit new members to speak when they are ready? I know one or two members on here that often read the forum but hardly ever post simply because they don`t feel confident enough..
  15. Cympil

    The Dun Cow

    I noticed it open last week but i haven`t a clue who`s got it..I heard a rumour a couple of months ago that him out the Tavern was taking it over but i don`t know if this is true??
  16. What's black and white and plays badly? Laurel and Hardy on betamax
  17. I see that Newcastle United are changing the name of their ground from St James' Park to Sid James' Park after this latest carry-on.
  18. I got a bonus for `correct result` and an `exact score` bonus too If i hadn`t got the bonus`s Pete, Mr Darn and i would of had 8 points each! Unlucky for some
  19. I`ve picked them to draw 2`s each against Everton..but in reality they`ll probably get hammered 4-0
  20. I hear Newcastle United have made a sizeable sum available to buy new players... They're opening Joe kinnear's swearbox.
  21. Indeed it did, hand delivered by Lizzy herself, it is now in it`s rightful place on my bog wall..just incase of emergencies
  22. Happy Birthday Fourgee, hope you have a great birthday and get a few pints down ya neck
  23. Thanks Joe, had a really good birthday, all the family celebrated with me, had a really nice evening
  24. Thanks Pete, i had a great day
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