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Everything posted by stu

  1. Didn't know they made hoops that big Denzel
  2. When you come up pete you will have to visit a hair salon,Bedlington is the Mecca for for hair cuts :lol:
  3. I think you will find that they are all connected to the health service and they are Iraqi,even bagged two of the swines in Australia. Pity the Rangers fans didn't get them then they'd know what a good kicking was
  4. Try going an you'll probably never look at take that again or listen to their c**p again :lol:
  5. stu

    Andy Capp

    sally bashers
  6. terrorists
  7. Blank where are you!............................................................................ ..........................KA-BOOM
  8. Sorry about your cousin wishing him a speedy recovery.Hope you have time to meet many old and new friends.All the best. stu
  9. Blame W.D.C. and your local chamber of trade. The people who bought Maxi Freeze had the idea(3 shops etc)for the co op they wanted to buy it but they hit so many brick walls with w.d.c. and local trade they gave up trying,also on this little eavesdropping spying mission found out it was one of the local traders who objected to the post office opening all day wed and sat on the grounds it would affect his/her trade!
  10. Apparenntly it stands on the old pit shaft,maybe one day it,ll disappear down it,with no one in it of course (they'll all be out chasing smokers )Then maybe we'll get summit useful built on the land, hairdressers,estate agents.................................
  11. Good point pete,thanks for the support
  12. stu

    Andy Capp

    Its plate day today " The Pitmans Derby" the "Andy Capp Handicap". This was the day when the folk of the mining villages would have a good get together sink a few ales lose a few bob and have a bloody good family day out,maybe visit the hoppings before or even after the races,I remember going there with my mother when I was a young lad....aaaah the memories. Anyway got to thinking, The Plate is still here,are there any traditions that have died out in the area,like picnic day on the front st.
  13. How many more times,why not post your reply every day then it might get through to some people,sick an tired of reading the same old whining whingeing why you picking on me crap. If you dish it then take it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. A balmy late summer afternoon and torrential downpours with thunder absolutely wonderful Sad me eh!
  15. As a smoker I agree with the ban,but as previously posted this has to be a total ban for every work place not one law us and another for someone else ie:-Houses of Parliament,prisons and hotels. How can anyone push through a law and exempt themselves from it,this is afterall a workplace(HofP) I think this is the cause of contention with a lot of smokers,not the fact of the ban itself!
  16. stu


    Don't know who is right there locals or the farmer.Personally I think putting any buildings on this land would spoil it,though there again piles of horse droppings is a canny welcome to Bedlington!
  17. You just about hit the nail on the head there mate with ashington and cramlington but you missed off blyth! Just wouldn't be viable for any worthwhile shops to open in bedlington,even the charity shops give us a miss! Oops sorry nearly forgot morpeth!
  18. Sorry mate thats been banned more than baccy,everything fun is being banned,I'll just have to whup your butt at pool,that should be fun
  19. Northumberland County Council get their way West End and Meadowdale won't be there!!!
  20. stu

    Hi Everyone

    Oh go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on .......................................GO ON! You want to really :lol:
  21. Havent seen many pubs "filled" lately more like 2 or 3 people at the most.Fetch the smoking ban in and there will be even less folk going out,so at least C.K. will at last win a pool game cos he will be playing by himself but there again I'm not so sure
  22. stu


    Talking of protecting areas whats going on with the field on hartford bank,its full of scrap vehicles and horse s**t.Anyone know?
  23. stu


    Didn't know wetherspoons had started building houses
  24. Thought for a minute I was on M.S.N.
  25. Did I tell you or did I tell you
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