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Everything posted by stu

  1. Isn't that "once bitten twice shy" but I get the gist works everywhere in the animal kingdom,so why not amongst us animals!
  2. :lol: :lol: I like it :lol:
  3. Belated birthday greetings to you both
  4. Don't know about the bar-tenders,last nights show was poor I think. Anyway you know who I want to win!
  5. The Do-Gooders of this world have done for our society! You will find that the most ardent of the anti-smacking brigade do not have children! As for parents only hitting kids in anger Bulls**t! Rewarding young people for mugging 'n' robbing with holidays............EH............!! "Don't give him wrong,he didn't know it was wrong" Brigade!!!!!!!!!! He'll never know it's wrong till he's told it's wrong, then if he does it again a good hiding will remind him it's wrong!!!! Bring back corporal punishment in schools,never got it myself,but it sure as hell kept me in line I knew what I would get if I hit a teacher or was good with a back answer or if I was getting too big for my boots!! I also knew that if I had got whacked at school I daren't tell my parents cos I'd get another one there, as Mr Darn says this was not lie in bed awake fear,it is about respect,and respect is earned not demanded. The lads at school only ever went to the Headmaster once,this only after they had been told umpteen times that what they were doing was wrong,they never went back for seconds! Enough of the rant
  6. Big red thing is the once garage opposite the Market Tavern next to market place club.Can't think what it was called
  7. Lost for words Joe,hang on in there mate you've got more friends than you think! All the best to you and your family Stu
  8. To get out of trouble you don't always have to brake a quick burst of acceleration can be more effective than braking in some situations so this system is flawed from the start
  9. Yes .She sang supercallyfragilisticexpalidoshus(is that spelt right )last night, great
  10. the little girl last night was brilliant between her and the opera singer I think!
  11. most of the males were crap but ALL the females were eh!
  12. guest!!!!!!!!!!! guessed
  13. Monkey thru,tho don't know how! Only one winner there mate..............................................................you guest,Simon Cowell
  14. No it's a different name. Anyway nearly crashed the !*!@# van when i drove past the other day there was a great big hairy camel an' a zebra looking over the hedge ,My God Denzel's escaped :lol: Dunno who the zebra was
  15. Funny how joe public seems to know these things! W.D.C. treat us all with contempt anyway
  16. Best bit of light entertainment for quite a while,the crotch grinder was a laugh,didn't know what to think of the rappin granny though best of all up to now was the bloke who was not blessed in the looks department singing,his voice is fantastic!
  17. I used to have the"rights" on a N.W.M.(SITA)waste recovery site,one of the conditions was that I had to have Public Liability insurance to the tune of 2 million quid just in case some member of the public slipped an' fell in the skip an' broke his napper.This cost me 49 quid every month for the premium,don't know what the cost is now.Maybe this could get you round your problem. Another point is that you don't put any signs up telling people of any dangers as this is an admission of guilt in a court of law!For you to put signs up you are letting people know that you already know that it is dangerous therefore you are liable if anything happens! I know this because I once suggested that we put signs up warning people to be careful when using the steps to the skips,and was told in no uncertain words by the safety officer not to do it because if anyone tripped all he had to do was point at the sign and say that we already knew it was unsafe because we put the signs up,if there were no signs up and anyone tripped then they would have to prove to a court that the steps were unsafe,so no signs were put up. Next time you visit the skips I bet you there are no signs up warning you of any dangers! Sorry for prattling on jus thought I could help!
  18. stu


    Thankyou,been quite a few people saying he was never there,thought i was going senile because i remember going there as a kid and being terrified
  19. So how much is this little lot going to cost,and(sorry to fetch this up yet again) wouldn't the money be better spent on something for the young people of our town!
  20. stu


    Not the Oval. Henderson from the top end was mentioned,I think he was cleared but his business never recovered after that,just shows mud sticks! Still on about Henderson didn't he have a practice opposite the job centre at one time before he moved further up on the opposite side?
  21. Pete you can be damn sure your prints are still on file,you'd be a mug to think otherwise! Be safe.
  22. Is it because the front street is owned by about three people and the rents for the shops are astronomical. Also the people from London who now own the old Maxi Freeze shop are interested in buying the empty Somerfield shop to turn the ground floor into shops and the remaining floors into appartments,as was planned for Maxi Freeze, But due to parking and access problems at Maxi Freeze they decided to make the upstairs into offices.Though as yet I don't think they have had any interest in said offices. If I hear of any further developments I'll let you know,golf courses are wonderful places you know!!!
  23. One thing thats missing from Bedlington................ Charity shops! Oh and somwhere decent to shop!
  24. Yawn !*!@# Yawn Who cares
  25. Here Miss Over Here Miss I'ts Me Miss.Miss Vic can you hear me Miss he's used the words farting and !*!@# why haven't you deleted this when you deleted mine Miss EH! EH! "OUCH" Miss I'm sorry Miss I didn't know he was teachers pet,yes miss I'll go to the corner Miss you won't hurt me will you Miss
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