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Everything posted by Symptoms

  1. GGG wrote: " ... even as a EU citizen you are only allowed to stay for 6 months without a residents permit ... " Does that apply to those from the Irish Republic who've been in Blighty for decades, or are there 'special' arrangements for Irish nationals?
  2. Wasn't there a sweetie factory in Blyth in the 60s? I have a clear memory of the air being thick with the smell of the things being made.
  3. The ooze is now leaking out from the Reckless ukipper ... they're going to "send them all back".
  4. Anyway, Philae found 'little green men' up there. She probed with her digit and discovered organic molecules on the surface. So we now know all about the Origins of Ukip, a primeval organism slithering around on a barren rock whilst hurtling through the Cosmos. Many of us have always thought that there was, 'something not of this World' about Nigel ... the swivelling bugeyes, the prehensile lips and the barbed tongue.
  5. I think it might have been that old guy, Aristotle, who said that "everything is political." I wouldn't want some grubby corner here earmarked specifically for politics or for introducing political spin on other folk's topics. It keeps it lively, it aggravates some, offends others.
  6. I see that the neo-Nazi Britain First Party are cosying up to the ukippers in Rochester.
  7. I wrote: ".... in our current climate of spite, bile, jealousy, envy and zenophobia ..." I rest my case! I suppose the Rosetta Missions could be described as a metaphor for what's happenning in Europe. Launched with a feeling of hope and expectation, delivered much enlightenment, but then a dark, cold shadow befell our heroic experiment. Perhaps in the future, when the chilly vail disappears and a new bright light shines on our endeavours, will we see our venture succeed.
  8. What a warm glow the Rosetta Mission has given me with the little Philae lander touching down on that distant comet; it reminded me very much of the cutting edge endeavours of the Ruski and Yankee space programmes back in the 60s. Euro co-operation at its finest. Conceived over ten years ago in a 'time of plenty and partnership' I doubt such ambitions would now be allowed to flourish in our current climate of spite, bile, jealousy, envy and zenophobia (and that's just the Daily Mail Hate).
  9. Just stop it now! Julien Blanc would feel at home in this thread!
  10. Mal wrote: "I was told the water people monitor something there?" It wasn't one of these, was it? http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/life/Water_monitor
  11. I have been on stage, Maggs - cleaning-up after the pantomime horse! Boom, boom!
  12. I didn't really don't know what to think about this advert. Yep, beautifully created and poignant but it left me a little unsure about the reason for it's production. Perhaps Sainsbury's will be donating tons of money to the British Legion and if that's the case, fine. However, the reality was that after Jim gave Otto his bar of chocko they started trying to kill each other. In my view, WW1 maybe not the most appropriate source material for a supermarket advert. At least I didn't see Sainsbury's name on the chockybar label.
  13. GGG, I suspect that you might be right about David Mileeeeeeband's long-term intentions, the guy is just as 'slippy' as his former boss Warcrim Blair. So the future looks bright with the prospect of a confident clone of Blair regaling a gullible population.
  14. Rejoice ukippers ... Nigel has said today he'd support, in a coaltion, a lame-duck Milleeeeband minority Government. Vote ukip, get Labour. Has a certain ring about it!
  15. Yep, a real tough Northern character actor who always seemed authentic to me and was always watchable. Not like most of the weak-kneed, yellow-bellied soft Southern actors and worse still, those plastic celebs from the NE who try to ape them ... (you know who they are: the CBS, Nobson Green & Ferry The Dirty Old Man).
  16. So, Bedlingtonshire is North of the River Blyth?
  17. Hang on a minute GGG, Adam's not the only 'right thinking individual' here. Wise Old Sym is the Daddy.
  18. Yep, just about everybody is going to get stiffed after the GE, well, maybe not the rich.
  19. So it was GGG's older brother, GGGG.
  20. I've got this one Maggs. It's really about the comparison between The Very Naughty Boy and the Cramlington Budgie Strangler. Cramlington is in "the wider Bedlingtonshire area,"
  21. I'm all for handbags at ten paces here and will defend the rough-and-tumble to the bitter end ... infact, I'd prefer stronger stuff like nut-kicking. Where could disconnected folks get help and info from in the absence of CABs? Traditionally, it could have been the the Library (many are now closed or understaffed), the copshop (many are now closed or open for short periods of time), the local GP (many of these have been sucked into so-called group health practices {a money making, get rich scheme for the quacks} with waiting times running into next week). So is there really an alternative to CABs?
  22. And I think GGG (I'm sure he's the one without me having to do a search) should shimmy-up his stepladders and install a few more of his cameras along Front Street for us exiles to view the Chrissy do.
  23. The only reason folks bought Poxy Music's stuff was for the porn on the album covers.
  24. The bottom line is the Miliband appears to be a dick and this is something that cannot be disguised by his camouflage squad. I've always believed that the vast majority of the non-aligned public vote for the guy in charge and not the party he represents. Miliband has the same problem of that other useless sod, Kinnock; they're both dicks. It really is as simple as that!
  25. GGG makes a valid point about the ease of access to information and guidance for a large proportion of the population. However, I understand that a sizable lump of the elderly have no online access at home and so are cut-off from this resource; maybe even the very poor are in the same boat.
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