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Posts posted by Symptoms

  1. There is but one and one only from your humble village with sway up here and I will visit upon him soon.  The peadings of my handmaiden Maggs will not go unanswered for I have this very day visited upon my top servant ToonBish thunderously demanding chapter and verse.  The poor flock abiding in your humble village may fall to their knees in prayer and seek the answers they crave.

  2. Here's some more:


    Netherton Pit Old banner:



    Netherton Pit new banner:



    front of Netherton banner and reverse:

    post-894-0-86256800-1386532498_thumb.jpg post-894-0-26533200-1386532499_thumb.jpg


    Ok, you'll notice it says Seaton Burn but it IS Netherton's.  When Netherton pit closed the banner was recycled (a common practice) for Seaton Burn pit.  Look closely and you'll see the patch sewn over the name area.





    Cambois & Bates (Yep, Adam uses this one):









    More to follow.






  3. Foxy wrote: "The Junco Partners at Whitley Bay last night........................fantastic!!!!!!!!"


    Surely not the Rex Hotel ... if so, maybe there's a bit of a space time continuum going on.  I saw them a few times there in the late 60s and I've got some of their albums up in my attic.       

  4. Agent Wilf making his escape from Jockoboss Salmon ... seen here running in a North by Northwest* direction across the border:




    Satellite image courtesy of the British Intelligence Service


    *our younger viewers may have to Google "North by Northwest"   for the cultural reference.



  5. Alex Salmon, the top Jocko, has instigated a huge man-hunt for a member of British Intelligence who stole a helicopter and was last seen parachuting from it.  Salmon has suggested that it may have been part of an English plot to affect the big Jockovote next year.  A spokesman for the British Intelligence Service has denied that their operative, codename 'Wilf', is the person shown in the photographs.


    English secret agent seen stealing the helicopter:



    The agent seen jumping from the helicopter with a parachute on his back:




  6. Yesterday the Monty Python team announced extra dates for their stage show One Down Five To Go at the Dome (now called 'The O2' - yuk!).  It was also announced that they've replaced the dead Graham Chapman with his brother Wilf Chapman.  Background information about Wilf is sketchy but John Cleese has suggested there might have been something murky going on ... something to do with British Intelligence.


    The press conference yesterday:



  7. Our Middle-East correspondent has just filed a very disturbing report which contains an early image of the famous Bible story of the Son of God entering Jerusalem on a donkey. Scolars have scrutinised the image and have concluded that the figure on the donkey is not, as has been previously believed, a local man named Jesus, but someone called Wilf. Over two thousand years of history will now have to be rewritten. Vatican sources are suggesting that Wilf, Son of God, did his early training with the British Intelligence Brothers.


    The donkey was stoned to death that same day and was rendered into lamb burgers for a Passover feast;  subsequently, the halal butcher was found guilty of meat fraud and crucified.






  8. Wilf is a very naughty boy.  This photo, lifted from Egg's security camera, clearly shows Wilf messing with Egg's computer thus rendering the Vista/Photoshop combo crippled.  Wilf learnt his hacking skills when he attended British intelligence's 'black ops' training camp.



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