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bedlington bears

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Everything posted by bedlington bears

  1. Just hope that it is a new kitchen you need from the kitchen centre and not a new house from the estate agents
  2. I don't think that the people on this forum change the subject randomly at all! Did you know that your first week's childcare at Bedlington Bears Day Nursery is absolutely free?
  3. I'm very sorry to hear about your loss.
  4. Happy birthday Andy
  5. The weather's not that bad is it? I remember years ago as a kid aged 15, losing my kneecap on an illicit ride on a Triumph Bonneville in about October (please Swanalla, DO spellcheck that for me). A few months later when I surfaced from the house in February, it was freezing. The weather's much warmer now. I daresay that we could all ride bikes in this weather. Which reminds me, number one and only son has got an Italjet Dragster for sale. Register your interest now! I personally have never wanted my child to have a bike. (yes, I know I bought it for him but I'd feel a lot better if he had a car).
  6. Languages are dynamic, built on colloquialism and metaphor.
  7. Happy birthday Denzel (Careful Joe - Swalnalla is joping like mad that someone will make a typo!)
  8. I bet you're great fun at parties Swalnalla.
  9. Did you sleep tight then?
  10. Wow! And here was I expecting exegetical acrobatics
  11. Fowl play!
  12. Happy Birthday C. K. Have a good one!
  13. Swalnalla AKA Screw-ge
  14. You don't need hooks if it really works. I was told that ducks can't digest pork fat so they have to pass it out, then another duck swallows it...
  15. It's quite amazing isn't it, that Denzel didn't have the last say on this post?
  16. This Norma/Denzel post on Xmas tree lights/dog & lamp-post is the funniest thing I've read on here for weeks. Thanks for the laugh you two.
  17. Me too Pete, Happy (belated) Birthday. I'm sorry I missed it.
  18. Finished work. Off for 4 days. Back home. Music on. Drink in hand. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! Any of you lucky enough to have small children, you'll enjoy it for 'them'. Savour it for yourself as well because when they are older, these are the christmasses you'll look back on. Enjoy your children's wide-eyed wonder and raucous joy of Santa Claus, it only lasts a few years of your life. Love Auntie Wendy XXX
  19. A fishing line baited with a piece of pork fat and left for 24 hours or so will catch you half a dozen (apparently).
  20. Animal, vegetable, or mineral?
  21. Me and him have just come back from a weekend in a hotel in Chipping Norton. It was miles to the nearest pub so the guests were at the mercy of the hotel bar prices. £11.40 for 2 single bacardi and draught cokes!
  22. Hi Joe, Isn't life strange? I've been reading your Canadian weather reports without much thought and then yesterday I went home to find a huge 6" 7 Canadian wrestler firmly ensconsed in one of the attic bedrooms. It's a mate of my wrestling son. He's been kicked out by his wife and he's now homeless because his family are all in Canada. The other half is a bit annoyed about it because nobody asked permission, but I'm dead excited because none of my friends have got huge wrestlers in their attic and also, as an ex-anthropologist I love speaking to people from other cultures - except that he's a bit depressed and doesn't seem to want to come out of the attic. Please excuse me, I think I'm just having a manic moment.
  23. I only know of the four F's. All regulated by the hypothalamus: feeding, fighting, fleeing and mating.
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